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Anti Christ

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  1. I would like a small tutorial on what you did to get this Resource Editor| @Klofkac
  2. It shows error that I'm missing digitalDx.
  3. It's fixed now, Reboot computer. Also how to download Dune 2000 Graphics card?
  4. I cannot use correct keys now. How I fix this? Also my Computer does not use Dune 2000.
  5. Send your copy.
  6. So @Fey there's a new image adder made for Dune 2000?
  7. Tired of the old Units as they were before? I'm making a Mod about me better than the old one but I'll need to find out how to edit the background of the Title Screen.
  8. I'm looking for one Game Developer that's free and possible to make an alternative version of dune2k.
  9. Good thing you exist where there's nothing.
  10. Emperors Trouble in Dune: Spice of Tribute This Mod's Purpose is to Display an Battle that I participated in where there were a few Big Events. House Atriedes Battalions are powerful and relies on Safety and Combat. Sitenistirs Tank rivals etises Devastator Tank. House Ordos Imescisenas is an Casual House that relies on obstacles for their Unique Weapons. Eiker are Missiles Quads. Introduced to House Ordos by House Sesirsis. Tank Destroyer fires an Deadly Cannon that Destroys anything, introduced by House Sesirsis. House Harkonnen Terrorists specializes in Destructive Power and Victory. Harkonnen Flamethrower Tank is heavy Armored that fires multiple electric shots at their enemy inflicting heavy damage to heavy Armored Enemies. This Super Heavy Tank carries light weight weapons. House Sesirsis is an Terrorist Enterprise that are allied to other houses in various ways, their enemies are in the enemy's own Dark Colonies. House Dark Colony relies on weapons of Chaos, Revenge of Scar. Flame Tank is an Strong Dark Colonist Weapon inspired by House Harkonnen which is Sesenitesly their favorite House. Updating Graphics. Target "Burning a path to the Goal.", "I will just, be what I want." Select "Harkonnen Tank Ready." (Meaning the tank they will be using.), "Gasoline Tanks Filled." Inspired by another Flame Tank but without turning turret. Setiresite Trike is Unattractively an Dark Colonial Vehicle that fires 2 rapid fire grenade Launchers. Siege Tank is sold by Dark Colonies to other Houses for base assault and does heavy damage because it's Dual Cannons and Rapid Fire Rate, primary purpose as an Combat Tank. Serger Quad is an Heavy Trooper Tank Special Ix unit that fires 2 Missile at medium range and does heavy damage.
  11. You can send images like this and I'll make it happen. Here's an Flame Tank I published. Target "Burning a path to the Goal.", "Killing Anything in our way Sir." Select "Harkonnen Tank Ready." (Meaning the tank they will be using.), "Gasoline Tanks Filled." Heavy armored, strong flamethrower to Destroy Light Vehicles and Infantry and cool Anti Flame Armor. This is what it should look like. The more of you make request, the more I'm inspired to make these greater Units.
  12. Faster access for reference if on forums since the route it takes to find it is searching this website or remembering to entering this website https://dune2k.com/Duniverse/Games/Dune2000. You can even click their image to review those Units. I'm interesting in Unit development and incase there would be need for any then these exist on forums.
  13. Light Infantry Type: Ground Based Infantry House: All Requirements: Barracks Range: Short Speed: 10km/h foot Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Resistant to missiles and tank based weapons but vulnerable to explosives and other infantry Abilities: Light Infantry are the basic foot soldiers and are mainly effective against other infantry or lightly armored vehicles Thumper Infantry Type: Ground Based Defense House: All (multiplayer) Requirements: Barracks upgraded Range: N/A Speed: 15km/h foot Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to explosives and infantry but resistant to tank based weapons Abilities: Thumper Infantry are used to draw a Sandworm towards that location and can only be found in multiplayer Trooper Infantry Type: Ground Based Infantry House: All Requirements: Barracks upgraded Range: Medium Speed: 6km/h foot Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Resistant to tanks but vulnerable to explosives and infantry Abilities: Ineffective against other infantry but effective against armored vehicles and buildings Engineer Type: Mechanical/Special Forces House: All Requirements: Barracks upgraded Range: N/A Speed: 10km/h foot Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Resistant to anti-tank weapons, but very vulnerable to explosives and infantry Abilities: Used to capture enemy buildings and once captured are under your control Trike Type: Light Recon/Strike Vehicle House: Atreides, Harkonnen Requirements: Light Factory Range: Short Speed: 72km/h Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to nearly all vehicles Abilities: Three wheeled vehicle with machine guns and is effective against infantry and vehicles without much armor Raider Trike Type: Quick Strike/Recon House: Ordos Requirements: Light Vehicle Factory Range: Short Speed: 90km/h Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to almost everything but better than the Trike Abilities: The Raider Trike has better weapons, speed, and armor then a Trike. Effective against infantry in hit and run missions Quad Type: Light Attack Vehicle House: All Requirements: Upgraded Light Factory Range: Short Speed: 59km/h Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and explosives. Vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: Slower than Trike, but stronger in both armor and fire power. It is a four wheeled vehicle firing armor piercing rounds and is effective against most vehicles Combat Tank Type: Medium Battle Tank House: All Requirements: Heavy Factory Range: Medium Speed: 40km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Combat Tanks are resistant to infantry and explosives, but vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: Effective against most vehicles Siege Tank Type: Battlefield Support Vehicle House: All Requirements: Upgraded Heavy Factory Range: Long Speed: 32km/h Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Resistant to bullets, and somewhat, high explosives. Vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: Very effective against infantry and unarmored vehicles but slow, and very weak against anything heavily armored Missile Tank Type: Battlefield Support Vehicle House: Atreides, Harkonnen, Ordos(through Starport) Requirements: Upgraded Heavy Factory and IX Research Center(Starport) Range: Long Speed: 40km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to nearly all weapons Abilities: Faster than battle tanks and can hit targets in the air. Also effective against most vehicles but vulnerable to infantry Sonic Tank Type: Advanced Battle Tank House: Atreides Requirements: IX Research Center and Heavy Factory Range: Medium Speed: 44km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and explosives but vulnerable to missiles and tanks Abilities: It fires a sound wave in a form of a sonic wave which is very effective against infantry and lightly armored vehicles. All units in the path of the sonic wave will be damaged Deviator Type: Battlefield Support House: Ordos Requirements: IX Research Center and Heavy Factory Range: Medium Speed: 30km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to nearly all types of weapons Abilities: This unit will cause no actual damage to the units. It fires a warhead which changes the allegiance of the vehicle for a time but does not effect infantry units Devastator Type: Advanced Battle Tank House: Harkonnen Requirements: IX Research Center and Heavy Factory Range: Medium Speed: 30km/h Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Resistant to nearly everything, but is somewhat vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: The most powerful tank on the planet but slow to move and reload. It uses atomic power and fires dual plasma charges but can become unstable when greatly damaged. Also can be set to self-destruct causeing damage to the surrounding area Saboteur Type: Special Forces House: Ordos Requirements: Ordos Palace Range: N/A Speed: 15km/h foot Armor: Light Vulnerabilities: Resistant to anti-tank weapons but vulnerable to explosive and infantry Abilities: The Saboteur can enter a building, immediatly destroy it Death Hand Type: Battlefield Support Missile House: Harkonnen Requirements: Harkonnen Palace Range: N/A Speed: 700km/h Armor: Light Abilities: Carries multiple warheads of atomic power which causes damage to wide areas but innacurate at times Sardaukar Type: Ground Based Infantry House: Emperor Requirements: Barracks Range: Medium Speed: 15km/h foot Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to explosives and infantry but resistant to anti-tank weapons Abilities: The Sardaukar are elite troops that will fire missiles against armored units and machine guns against other infantry MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) Type: Base Deployment Vehicle House: All Requirements: Upgraded Heavy Factory and Repair Pad Range: N/A Speed: 15km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and some explosives. Vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: The MCV can be moved to a location of your choice and then deployed to create a new base of operations Carryall Type: Airborne Unit House: All Requirements: High Tech Factory Range: N/A Speed: 160km/h Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Only can be hit by missiles, like from the Rocket Turret and Missile Launcher Abilities: These units have no weapons but are used to transport vehicles. They will pick up your harvester and return it to the Refinery and then back to the spice fields. Also will deliver damaged units back to the Repair Bay Harvester Type: Base Support Vehicle House: All Requirements: Refinery Range: N/A Speed: 45km/h Armor: Medium Vulnerabilities: Resistant to infantry and some explosives but are vulnerable to missiles and high caliber weapons Abilities: This unit is the most important unit in the game, it provides you with your cash flow. When it returns to the Refinery the harvested spice is converted to credits Sand Worm Type: Indigenous to Dune House: N/A Range: N/A Speed: 30km/h Armor: Heavy Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to missiles and tanks but resistant to infantry and explosives, difficult to destroy Abilities: The Sand Worm is attracted by vibrations in the sand, it will eat units whole and has a large appetite Frigate Type: Interstellar Shuttle House: All (through CHOAM) Requirements: Starport Range: N/A Speed: 250km/h Abilities: The Frigate will deliver the units ordered from the Starport but is not controllable
  14. There was an Dune 2 that allowed you to make unit sprites for Dune 2 and play them in Multiplayer mode.
  15. It looks good, please send it's template so I can temper with it.
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