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  1. THX Cm_blast, now its working, no idea what whas wrong, seems to firewall in W10 is too agresive, dune_spawn was allowed, but after 100x launch he asked again to allow, so I did and its working.
  2. Hi guys, I changed my PC and now cant run multiplayer, watch here and pls give me suggestions: https://youtu.be/oY9VWNxjUN4
  3. Hi I have 3 newbie questions: 1. I start Dune Gruntmods edition (downloaded from this site), Launch multiplayer, it downloades many stuff and can play. Once I turn it off and start same way again, it dowload nothing, and dont start. If I reinstal whole game, works again, only ONCE. W10 64bit. 2. There was som great maps, for example dune world war, but there is no more. Why? 3. If I download here in downloads some fan maps, its only fileabc.map How to import? Can we play multiplayer? thanks
  4. Hi guys, I have problem with Dune-2000-Gruntmods-Edition. I was playing this with no problems, version, new version is problem, because now it crash when I start mission, crash code 0xC0000005 Názov problémovej udalosti: APPCRASH Názov aplikácie: dune2000.exe Verzia aplikácie: Časová pečiatka aplikácie: 55d6d429 Názov chybného modulu: ntdll.dll So I restart computer, turn of antivirus, firewall, reinstall, try all settings, run as admin, run as cimpatibility XP, run cmd > sfc /scan... nothing works. So I try to install back version and it works!!!!!!!!!! , till I run multiplayer, it on forst strat update and its not possible to run game as discribed above... Anybody idea? Its way to not auto update multiplayer and stay at version Its Win7, 64bit, HD graphics 4600
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