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  1. good
  2. <sighs> it would be much simpler with a world map. Persia controls the med. coast, and most of the arab pennisula, whereas the arab league no longer control arabia. only the southern area of the arabian pennisula. china split, part communist part capitalist.
  3. Persia is what the empire that covered roughly the same area in the time of the greeks was called. As for the name Its not etched in stone and if i'm wrong oops i'm sorry yup the franco-german alliance is the Eu minus the UK... so? its realistic of course the people's republic is powerful, it controls the western 1/4 of former china AND india arab league goes too well with what other side what the hell are you talking about
  4. I mean units OR sides to suggest
  5. Right, I'm working on the General's Mod, and the teams are as follows at the moment. NB. all names are in flux Anglo Alliance-U.S., Canada, U.K., Austrailia, Maybe Spain Portugal Italy and Switzerland too. Ceylon Republic-A democratic China, controls Eastern China Japan and associated Islands New Russia- Benign Dictatorship, Controls Russia, Northern Baltic States, and Mongolia People's Republic of South East Asia-Communists, controls western china india and SE asian islands Persia- controls most of the arbian peninsula Israel- controls holy land, egypt and jordan Arab League- whats left of arabian pennisula, pakistan, and horn of africa Franco-German Pact- controls all non anglo alliance western europe and southern balitc states Those are the sides at the moment. The whole idea of the mod though is that it is REALISTIC in as many ways as possible. If you have sides our units to suggest they shjould make sense.
  6. I am the Texasguy, I can mod pretty much anything using Westwood's RTS format, but If needed, I can do other stuff.
  7. I've been working on Guild Wars since its outset, along with Apollyon, and I am proud to announce the next group of units is now functioning. Guild Lightning Mortar - like an ordos mortar, but more powerful and expensive, with a bomb that releases lightning Guild Advanced Lightning Mortar - Like above only even more powerful and expensive (duh) Guild Piecemaker - A fearful shrapnel artillery cannon, amazing power and blast radius, very slow and high cost. Any infantry army that faces this will be lucky to end up merely decimated. Guild Satelite - A self destructing satelite that will hover over enemy bases or unit groups and self destruct, sending out a huge lightning beam with a massive shockwave. Also in the future: An Ix jetpack trooper that drops incideniary bombs on enemies from above. Keep in mind if you want to help with this mod, that we don't want a game where one team has an unfair advantage, each unit should be balanced, and in keeping with the ethos of its respective army and must also stay faithful to the rules of the original dune books. It must however, also have a useful function.
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