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  1. Bazza02

    New clan

    Yes i know there is already an Atreidis clan but lets start a new one cmon itll be great, we could tell of The_Baron and his S**t hole of a House HArkonnen
  2. Originally, instead of the rumour of VII-IX Lucas said that there was gonna be 12 in the series THEN there was another rumour about Another series, however i rekin that Lucas will be dead Before the so callled second series
  3. You know what really sucks, II was filmed here (in Australia, or most of it neways) ad as usual we r the last to get it at the movies, as i am anicipating it, seein as I made me interested
  4. Ive recently downloaded the v1.06, and i have 2 questions, so far my impression of a Sardauker is a light infantry wiv better looks and slower reload, and the Stealth Raiders how does their "stealth" work???
  5. You know what really kicks me, at the very start of a game getting my only harvester eaten AND i was using 2 thumpers to keep it away, so i had to restart :'(
  6. thanx dudes
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