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Everything posted by Navaros

  1. if it was not corrupt then Gob would not have corrected it. especially given how much he hates me as a person.
  2. actually i seem to recall Gob correcting corrupt actions you've taken on that board in regards to myself. if you need me to prove it then i'm happy to oblige
  3. mordus: you are not elite you have no idea how to deal with Minos in the late-game the *only* thing you know how to do is rush, just like all the "buddies" who you play games with all the time on newbie setts. you only play newbie setts, so you only know how to play as a newbie would play. FYI: knowing how to mass tier 1 and click them to the enemy base does not make you "elite"
  4. well jeff the thing is you *promised* not to quit, and then quit that means you lied liars have no honor.
  5. ...and the quoted-text here is a shining example of just how well that is working out ::)
  6. the time for hoping is long past now is the time for action
  7. just so my comments don't get misconstrued: number6 is not the guy who i was referring to who got to the Landsraad by butt-kissing nor did i have an issue with him being in the Landsraad
  8. Navaros

    Music Help 2

    could be Pilate - Into your Hideout ...and if that's not what you're looking for then you'll have to provide more info if that is what you're looking for then i'll accept your cash donation of thankage via paypal
  9. i disagree here.
  10. i'm quite sure i can counter things as ATR better than you can as ATR thank you very much yes you're right i suck with Hark and Ordos and i've always admitted that.
  11. that is true. that is why i never said that ATR sucks. only that ATR is the worst House overall
  12. just wanna be sure i am understanding this correctly: TMA1 stabbing you in the back was the right thing for him to do? [pardon me to everyone else, i have an inquiring mind ;D]
  13. you are wrong there. ATR is the SLOWEST House. in Emperor, the ability to CONTROL AND DEFEND ALL OVER THE MAP is a vital thing. since ATR take the longest to be able to COMPETENTLY DEFEND areas of the map outside of the base - that is a FACT - it thereby also follows AS A FACT that ATR is the weakest House overall.
  14. Jesus is the Son of God.
  15. that site uses Flash i HATE Flash and REFUSE to install it on my system. it lets intrusive flashing ads flash in your browser. what person in his right mind would WANT that? hence, i can't even load your site. make a site without the use of Flash and i'll give you some help with it maybe
  16. so you're happy about giving info to TMA1 even tho he stabbed you in the back with it, ratted you out about it, and got you kicked from the Landsraad for doing so? if I were you i'd feel disappointed and regretful that i helped out a turncoat
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