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  1. Maybe a generals -> dune mod? should be fun I think :) ATM I'm working on a decent cnc Generals INI editor, should be out at christmas or so. :) Ah well, so... how are you guys holding up? btw, i noticed my rules.txt editing guide is finally up at editing.dune2k.com :D -Mike
  2. Well, you could decide to throw out the whole height advantage system, by setting the starting height advantage to a height far above any point on the map, so a unit will never reach it and will never get a height advantage. Unfortunately this also means infantry-rocks (which use the same symbol as height-advantage) also have to be excluded from all the maps (if you want it to be fully bug proof). This is the price you'll have to pay for 6 venterancy levels :) (btw, the images can be adjusted, believed they're called something with *!height*.tga in it). good luck... -Mike
  3. jup, it can't be done... -Mike
  4. Let's not forget eclipse mods (possibly known by ts, hl and ra2 modders): http://www.eclipsemods.com -Mike
  5. For the mpq extractor : http://www.cheatlist.net/down/dl.php?url=files/d2/makeown/d2mpqfull.zip about the avatar, guess i deleted my own lol :D -Mike
  6. How about opening war3.mpq, and editing the files. I believe there is already a bpl converter (image file) , mp3 and wav audio files are quite simple to edit but i dunno yet about the models(mdx). For an mpq editor search at google for diablo2 mpq viewer (11b) , i suggest you read the readme file, it holds some important information. BTW, it's quite well possible to make mods by just using the map editor (i already made a WASD controlable hero :D) -Mike(2k:P)
  7. I'm Mike, I edit in C&C/Dune games but I also map/texture in fps.TS,RA2: INI,SHP,VXL,HVAEBFD : TXT,XAF[HL : RMF,MDL,WAD]I can also make 3D art movies and stand alone programs
  8. Hmm, I'm quite sure there was a 3d to vxl convertor but I don't know where the hell it went :-/ -Mike
  9. I'm also still available for some ini/vxl editing i'm quite experienced at both
  10. Ra2: dune sounds cool to me, where do I have to sign in to help on ini or vxl? -Mike
  11. And add new objects in the maps -Mike
  12. As some of you might know, in the profile.dmp file in your mapeditor directory are all the cliff types stored. Maybe some of you guys (who are interested in making new cliffs) may find it usefull. Here is the 'set-up' of a cliff located in profile.dmp PROFILE {iceridgecliff} <- system name (must be unique) NAME iceridgecliff <- displayed name PAL (null) <- unknown TEX icecliff.tga <- Texture on Point area SKIRTMAP icecliff.tga <- Texture on Skirt area COLLARMAP icecliff.tga <- Texture on Collar area POINTV3 0 -76.000000 33.000000 <- Point 1 x,y POINTV3 1 -50.000000 59.000000 <- Point 2 x,y POINTV3 2 -20.000000 145.000000 <- Point 3 x,y POINTV3 3 -6.000000 195.000000 <- Point 4 x,y POINTV3 4 16.000000 285.000000 <- Point 5 x,y SKIRTV2 0 -144.000000 0.000000 <- SkirtPoint 1 x,y SKIRTV2 1 -76.000000 33.000000 <- SkirtPoint 2 x,y = POINTV3 0 (lowest of Point) COLLARV2 0 16.000000 285.000000 <- CollarPoint 1 x,y = POINTV3 4 (highest of Point) COLLARV2 1 54.000000 335.000000 <- CollarPoint 2 x,y ENDPROFILE Also, in a profile, the model will always be drawn from bottom to top. That means it will draw from COLLARV2 0 to COLLARV2 1 and from POINTV3 2 to POINTV3 3. -Another interesting fact, again as some of you might know. Both 00000409.016 and 00000409.256 (located in the Emperor folder) are bmp files (4 and 8 bits), it's the bmp you see before emperor starts the game and the screen goes black. So far a small Emperor knowledge update... Greetz, -Mike
  13. Adding new objects(with new textures) and changing objects/textures is possible but I doubt we'll ever be able to add a new campaign... -Mike
  14. Riper, since you judge the people on their replies, why not send some piece of evidence to me so I can convince all those people here you d
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