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Everything posted by Shocktroop-elite

  1. "You psycho there is no worm!!" the cheif yells at him!! "But i saw one i swear!!" Shocky said!! >:(
  2. (All of a sudden Shock sees a giant sand worm) AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW "WORM SIGN ,WORM SIGN" He yells And then the worm goes under the ground just as every one looks behind them!!!
  3. O! What is this (shock sees a very hot copper on the ground) He thinks to him self! "hey from this angle you can see both of them perfectly!!" "SWEET" ;D
  4. I will take you with me so good bye world!!! (spreads his arms and gets ready to jump)
  5. No you wouldn't (shock takes another step closer to the edge) No don't do it!!!! Hark-trooper help me!!!
  6. Hey I don't like your tone at all! (walks up to a very large cliff and stands on the edge) Ill jump Dont you think i wont!!! :-/
  7. Ok you know what shocky Im the one who does all the thinkin' around here so quit your WHINING!!! >:( Don't make get midevil on you!!!
  8. Come on shock troop pull your self together!!! Its not like you are a psycho or anything!!
  9. YAAAAAAAAAA :D Lunch time Time To to go minggle with the natives! ;D
  10. Why dont you like me!!?!?!?!??!!??!!??!! :'(
  11. I like you Shock troop I think ur cool!!!
  12. I like you!! you r cool ;D
  13. Nobody likes me on this form xept. My bro!!! ;) is there anybody out there that cares :'(
  15. THis is a generel talk page where you can yell >:( , comploment ;D or just talk about the game in generel:D!!! (THIS IS NOT A SPAM)
  16. Graphics: 8 Sound: 8 Units:7 levels:8 Overall: 8.5/10
  17. What is the over all rating of this game??? Graphics: Sound: Units: Levels: Overall: */10
  18. Wazzup!!! what kind of units do all you guys/girls out there think should be in the next fue games?? LiKe...... Mechs, subturanian........ ect.
  19. I think that harkonnen are the best out of all of them but i think atrid.
  20. What is the best unit and why?? Also if u guys or girls want to talk about the best house that works 2.
  21. U People R REALLY REALLY DUMB the devastator would easily kick its sorry little A**. think about it with its 2 plasma guns AND its missile launcher, no compotistion Oh by the way Haikonnen kicks!!!!
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