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Everything posted by N.Kindt
Corrections: E9820 8002 640 width ? ; Window widthE9824 9824 9368 ? ; Window height (should not be 9824, something wrong you copy pasted)E9828 8002 640 game width ; Draw area widthE982C 9001 400 game height ; Draw area height (in vanilla draw area height is always 400 scanlines, whereas window can be 400 or 480. ; In 480 it's a letterbox mode out of performance reasons i guess, i.e. 80 scanlines less to blit).
Already 50 downloads from D2K+, nice.
I know. There are 2 executables so not entirly clear what is what. An info on what each does would be great. I.e. the DAT patcher bla bla ..., you will get high res with that but the UI would look wrong, bla bla ...
Ok great. All 1.06 should work then without problems and you could update the description of the patch. Sorry i was a bit vague about what your script does since it does a lot and i had not much time to write. Maybe we should summerize that in the readme.
Ok moved cash box 10 pixel right. THe DAT pacther checks the size first, if it's ok it moves on to check the checksum. If the test passes for vanilla US or Subhouse fix then you can be sure it's it. German .DAT is not working since the size is smaller hence the data/code offset is patched in wrong. I tested with the DAT provided by eulerischeZahl and it's not working. dat_patcher_1.1.zip
Yes thats for Sardaukar to add to the zip. The DAT patcher changes the resoltuion and fixes the crashes/tooltips/ etc. Sardaukars script changes the UIL files so they fit the new resolution. Just wait till Sardaukar updates the zip file.
The patch automatically removes unsupported resolutions (those with glitches). Updated DAT patcher to check for sub house checksum. dat_patcher_1.1.zip
Nice. *The patch allows you to choose from 10 resolutions. Please read the readme files carefully, and also the notes below.* Not necessarily 10, might be more or less then, any number. The patch checks automatically how many resolutions your monitor supports.
Try the DAT patcher as in this post: http://forum.dune2k.com/topic/19636-dune2k-high-resolution/?p=381581
I can include the subhouse node checksum as well so it always passes the test. Since people use that it might be more appropriate to relax the checksum check. :)
It checks the individual bytes. If size differs it's obviously a different file. Ignore it then. Anyone else having checksum problems on vanilla 1.06 US? EDIT: Did you try it with dat_patcher or with the script from D2k Sardaukar? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checksum
No idea how that fits together. Can you isolate the high res patch? I.e. try only the DAT patcher without UIL changes: dat_patcher_1.1.exe -w 1024 -h 768
I highly doubt it's my DAT patcher. Previous merge of .DAT and subhouse fix worked just fine although was already a while ago. Unplayable in what way?
Works here (i tested it of course before releasing but wanted to doublechek anyways). Checksum test will fail if even one single bit (one bit !) is different then in the original .DAT from d2k106us.
Should work if you do this. try: ...except: # Any exception will be caught here ask for inputIf you you have specific exception handlers then the WindowsError might go unhandled. The except: should be at the very end of the try: block.EDIT: Give it as an option. I like the tiles on smaller maps and i am sure many do.
This was discussed already couple years ago: http://forum.dune2k.com/topic/19636-dune2k-high-resolution/?p=338020 Problem is that it would never work. If you only adjust the resolution you are still left with: - Letterbox problem (Dune 2000 won't draw from Y=0 and will snap the battlefield to the bottom leaving huge black area above) - The building/units icons will be located directly in the battlefield since they are hardcoded for 640x480 - The UI will be distorted - Crashes below upgrade/starport on mouse button press and general mouse movement - Tooltip problem in starport menu - And other problems i don't remember that were fixed along the way ... I still have a picture of D2K on how it looks like if you only change the resolution (first steps going high res), looks horrible.
All reporeted crashes are fixed so it's definitely playable.
The checksum is for DUNE2000.dat from 1.06 US patch (http://dune2k.com/Duniverse/Games/Dune2000/Downloads/Patches). If you get a warning you can still go on. The checksum test is built in just to give a warning since the readme recommends to patch over a fresh install and this is what the checksum test ensures. If you however install D2K and patch it with 1.06 US (d2k106us.exe) you should have no problem with the checksum. If you have a checksum mismatch then all bets are off, it might work ok and it might not. With a passed checksum test you have a guarantee that it will definitely work. Guess so. I was waiting for the tile fix from Sardaukar and both his script and my patch are now complete as far as i can tell.
@Sardaukar: Made an update to check for data integrity and size. If you want you can use this one by passing --test_checksum switch. The patch will only check for the data and return. Return code is -5 on failure which you can use to warn people that it might not work out because of size/checksum mismatch but they can still try to (i.e. changes from previous patch). Checksum is taken from vanilla 1.06 US version. p.s. Currently reinstalling Windows and don't have MSVC at hand. This one is compiled with GCC 4.7.1 (-march=i386 -Os -s). File size is bigger but it won't need MSVC redistributables any longer (i.e. can be used on a freshly installed XP without problems). p.s. The filename of the patch must not contain any '-' (minus) due to how GCC works internally with commandlines. EDIT: Checksum is taken from vanilla 1.06 US version (d2k106us.exe). D2K_HRpatch_1.1.zip
Agree. I think it's more work with resources files rather then exe patching. :) German executable is not compatible. Size differs by ~23 Kb.
None. You just need 2008 redistributable pack and 2010 redistributable pack. @e: I can't download from 2 shared. Can you upload directly into your post?
@e: Please upload your patched german 1.06 .DAT here. I will check if my patch is compatible with the german D2K version. @Sardaukar: Why does your patch look for DUNE2000.EXE?
My patch requires version 1.06 exclusively. Since the patch changes the execution logic and variables of Dune 2000 at specific offsets for any other version it will patch CPU instrcutions on the wrong address and render the exe useless. Thanks again for testing!
Damn. Never seen it on 2560x1440, looks good. Thanks for testing! The tooltip "Unrevealed terrain" is in english though? @Sardaukar - You probably took my earlier code with a hardcoded 15. I adjusted that line 2 days ago to i > len(resolutions). Check post 370.
Download here and read included instructions. http://forum.dune2k....-15#entry380752