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  1. I used to play online. Now... the only 'old' games I still play are Half-Life and StarCraft. And when I did play Dune2k on the internet I kept getting sync errors or something if I played for more than half an hour. You shouldn't treat newbies badly - you were all newbies once (remember?).
  2. I'd hardly call Dune 2000 the most balanced game in the world. Well, I would, but it's because all the sides are basically the same with like, oh, I don't know, 10 graphical changes? >:( Each side has exactly the same weaponry except for one or two super-weapons (which are, really, a small attempt to add diversity). If Dune 2000 was as balanced as, say, StarCraft, it would have been more of a hit game. And returning to the point, everyone <i>knows</i> that the Harkonnen are best, what with the Saduakar and Deathhands and all. Atreides are better than Ordos, though.
  3. :( Emperor did have advertising, it's just that it wasn't around for very long (that, and the fact that the ads weren't that good). Blizzard may have only released a few games, but they made sure that they were good. And they never released loads of games in the same game universe, did they? By keeping numbers small, Blizzard was able to release a very polished game. Not that I'm saying that Emperor wasn't good - it just wasn't as revolutionary as we may have hoped. I prefer Emperor to C&C, but that seem to be the trend, does it? :( Maybe next time, Westwood will make a winning Dune game. Wonder when that'll be...
  4. Eprhaps in a year or so, when the standard of computing power has risen a bit, and the game itself has become a budget title, it may gain popularity once more. :( It is a pity that it is being abandoned. It's a good game, I just don't think that it can compete against some other titles out there.
  5. I bought the book as soon as it came out in September (I live in the UK), and had it finished within a week. It's a great book - though it begins to get a bit wierd towards the end through the Emperor's madness ??? it was still a good read. I particularly enjoyed the final battle on Ix and Ajidica's end (Not that I'm trying to give anything away here...). I highly recommend the book - it's great. ;D Monkey_830
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