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  1. He had to die somehow. And don't forget he was blind and no longer prescient (if I recall right) when it happened. I think Thufur Hawit had the most noble death of them all.
  2. I was wanted to clarify if you guys still use XWIS or do you use Hammachi. Can you point out how to use both for a XP user like my self?
  3. I was talking to my Cybernations alliance on their forums about Dune was surprised to see how many people there love the universe in some way. Some of them sound interested in getting the game. I linked them the essentials of getting the game working online and on the boards. Hopefully we will get new players soon.
  4. Is it possible for you to post the link to where I can download that map. I think I may of played it before. Was it the one where the sandworm was basically controlled by an observer and the effects was cause by a bunch of dying lurkers? And I think SCVs were spice harvesters.
  5. Impressive work. I have recently become a WH40k fan myself due to Dawn of War (don't intend to play the tabletop game as its too expensive of a hobby and I don't have the patience to do the models). I was wondering, did you used the Tallarn regiment of the Imperial Guard to make the Fremen warriors. Both are from a desert world and would fit with each other.
  6. Well since I now have my computer set up I tried this mod and it is pretty good despite some major problems. It seems that the events don't show up properly so you get some sort of error message every time it happens. Many of the tips for each unit don't show up as well. However, the rest of the mod is pretty solid, with a good balance and pretty good AI. I am currently playing as the Bene Tleilax fighting against Houses Corrino and Ordos (they declared war on me for declaring on Corrino). Pretty Fun. Off topic: Hey I am semi new here and I was wondering if you guys have an IRC room I could go to if I wanted to chat about Dune?
  7. Well when I first was exposed to Dune, it was to the Scifi mini series, which to my opinion was decent. After reading the books I then saw this movie. While I didn't like some of the liberal changes made by Lynch (cat milking, weirding models, Paul is really God), I feel the costumes pretty much fit the setting as well as most of the actors (I still think mini series Paul was better than Lynch Paul though, maybe the same with Gurney).
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