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Duke Leto III

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Everything posted by Duke Leto III

  1. I dont get the thing with the tile set, opened it with Notepad, found the string, and then???
  2. Maybe July 2000 has something to do with the Dune timeline in the books. A while ago I read something about some dates in the games in in the books. Some people believe there is a link between them.
  3. Are you guys making a whole new game from the classic dune 2000?? Maybe i would like to test the new game.
  4. I think i'll finish the map this weekend. I will place a screen shot on this topic. So many thanks to you help mvi!! I want to do the same with emperor.
  5. Thank you so much, im working an a map with all dune 2000 mission maps in it. But do you know if the same works with emperor?
  6. I don't know if this topic already exist, but does anyone have all the unrevealed dune 2000 maps, missions and skirmish? And the same with Emperor?
  7. The screenshot shows in both rows only vehicles..? About the ornithopter sketch: in dune 2000 only the atreides have ornies. but in Emperor the Harkonnen have the gunship that looks like the right ornie on the sketch. and the left ornie also looks familiar but i dont remember it...
  8. in Tremors2, the worms fly, dont they??
  9. Put in many footsoldiers, engineer.......etc. pick up with advancad caryall deploy deep behind enemy lines capture essential structures (starport, factory, CY) sell and take profit
  10. i like dune because its all about humans, not aliens or other monsters. and i have more than respect for Frank Herbert, because he was able to make all the basics of films, games, sites like this and many many more!!
  11. emp will never be dead, i play some times then i play an other game, but i always come back to emp or other dunes
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