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  1. ah excellent, much appreciated! cheers
  2. hey everyone, Do you have a version of Dune II editor that works with super dune classic ? nice to see this community is alive and well, cheers
  3. I'm using the Razor 1911 speed build hack now with version 1.00 of dune 2. I'm gonna plow through the game until I get to scenario 21 with atreides. Maybe I can flood scenario 21 with fremen playing version 1.00? anyways, gonna check it out, I'll report back here later :]
  4. MrFlibble - First of all I think the AI fixes you made to dune 2 are very good! I'm currently having a dune 2 "renaissance", and I've had a great time playing with the patch you've made. Now I'm playing through the Atreides campaign, and I am currently on scenario 21 for Atreides (the one where you're up against Ordos with a palace and Harkonnen. The way I've always played this level, involves building almost nothing but palaces and totally covering the map with Fremen (It's fun to externalize one's duties as a conqueror ;P ) and just watching the fremen basically winning the battle for me xD. When I played through this time something seemed to be different. There seems to be a limit on the amount of fremen I can summon from my palaces. The limit seems to be in the area of 30-35 fremen troopers. After that, they just stop spawning when I press the icon on the palace. Does anyone know what causes this? Is there a "fremen unit limit" parameter somewhere in the dune 2 config files that can be altered so I can totally flush the map with fremen once more? BTW, I play the 1.07 Battle for Arrakis version of Dune 2. In advance, thanks for any responses! cheers EDIT: Forgot to say, but isn't there a speed cheat for dune 2? I remembered lots of years ago, I accessed dune 2 with a .bat file rather than dune2.exe. The frontend in the .bat file gave the option of enabling "fast build" or something. This cheat made building stuff go real fast, for example a wind trap was built in 1 second. This cheat was global, so it affected the AI to, making the game harder (imagine getting attacked by 4 ornithopters almost simultaneously). If anyone has this hack, or know how to do it manually by editing game files, I'd appreciate it. EDIT2: -Found a trainer that increases build speed
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