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Everything posted by Guzzleguts

  1. It clearly betrays insecurity. But why? They must have enough money really. And this, if anything, would have been good for them. It indicates to me a different type of evil to petty monetary greed. I've been distantly aware of the misdeeds of BH/KJA for some time, but today I read for the first time the decidedly witless term 'talifan'. The mind that created such a word, and the mind that thought it appropriate and amusing to use, can only be very narrow, very small and very vulgar. It betrays a lack of respect for the people it is used on, and a lack of respect for anyone involved in Afghanistan. It betrays a lack of maturity and understanding of politics, and sensitivity toward religion. It is the name-calling rebuke of a schoolchild. I feel that Frank Herbert, a beautiful human being, would have been utterly disgusted. With this unneccesary and intollerant censorship it is they who could learn a little of what NOT to do from authoritarian institutions such as the taliban. Bitter irony! KJA blog "Disappointing news, but not surprising. Brian and I are aware of a small group of fans like that, particularly congregating on a few discussion boards. My friend, artist Bob Eggleton (who painted the cover for my novel THE MARTIAN WAR) calls them the "Talifan.""
  2. Don't you all know that it is only a small but vocal minority of purist fans that have any criticism of KJA/BH's Dune 7 or other works? (At least that's what they write in their blogs and interviews - I know I believe 'em) There is no need for an alternate version at all, everyone loves the existing one! @sandchigger - I'm not even sure that it is all an attempt at revenge. I would guess that BH is simply not a talented writer like his father but learned that it was a means by which it is possible to attain wealth. He probably doesn't know any other way to make money, but he wants money. He wants it a lot, more and more and more of it. Why are there more 'cash-in' books than the originals? Why print Dune 7 in two books when you could get plenty of revenge in one? Perhaps he does just loves his father's universe and wants to keep it alive. But then why protect the intellectual property to such an unnecessary degree? Why block the Dune Encylopedia reprint? FH Dune (1965) to Chapterhouse (1985) - 6 books in 20 years. BH/KJA House Atreides (1999) to Winds of Dune (2009) - 10 books in 10 years. Thus we can learn that Frank had only 30% of the Dune story writing ability of his son, so perhaps I (and others) have been unfair. It is obvious that BH/KJA are more prolific than Frank Herbert.
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