Hello. I always loved Dune 2000, but I never really tried to play online (just a few times with brothers). Now I managed to install it again with my friend. We installed the game, went to internet tab and downloaded all the updates from there. We can't see each other now. No one is on the channel. Do you guys have any idea what to do? Hamachi doesn't count, as he can't install this IPX protocol on Vista. Can someone test the game with us? You can write here, on my e-mail, or the best thing would be to talk on Steam. Here's my profile if you'd like to talk http://steamcommunity.com/id/awm We are still trying to get it to work. As far as I noticed Westwood Online works, about what I'm suprised. To avoid any misunderstandings, here's where we are: http://img3.imageshack.us/my.php?image=64179378.jpg