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  1. Sorry, it is all explained in the readme file.
  2. Perhaps I should add that when you try to stop the program in the above procedure, sometimes you won't be able to use the mouse, as the small window disappears when you move the mouse cursor to it. You have to use the Tab key to change the focus to the 'stop program now' button, and then press the Enter key.
  3. Thanks! Can you use it on an 'old' installation, or do you have to do it on a fresh one?
  4. Thank you for the good advice!
  5. Thanks for the reply. I said wrongly patch 09 - I meant 1.09 of course. I suppose that is what you call the 'install fix'. I will remember your advice next time I make a clean install. Thanks.
  6. I have a small strange problem and solution. (Perhaps someone has a better solution?). I recently reinstalled Emperor on Windows XP (SP2, all updates). When I start the program, it just won't start. When you press Ctrl-Alt-Del and get the task list, after a few seconds it says something like 'Emperor Doesn't run' and then 'Program doesn't reply'. Then if I stop the program and again start it, it runs fine. This I have to do every time the computer has been shut down. Thought this might help somebody. Does anyone know how to fix this? (PS. I have installed the latest patch 09).
  7. There are easy ways and hard ways... I haven't figured it out the hard way (can any one help here??), but the easy way is something like this: quickly build a refinery and upgrades, a factory, some buzzsaws and tanks to defend against the first attacks, and then a hangar, upgrade, and an advanced carryall or two. Then save the game. Use the Adv. Carry-all as a 'scout' to find a route to the head of the worm without too much anti air craft. E.g. go south then south-east. If you lose the carryall, then start from the saving point again. When you have the route, pick up a Devastator or two, bring them to the Worm's head, and fire - finished in 7 minutes or less ...
  8. I could not figure out the Emperor Worm. The voice says at some time: Use the Engineers ... but how to get them through? If you attack Ordos at South right away, they are already guarded, and if you use a lot of time building up your base, you are attacked, and the Ordos base gets stronger... Well, I used some of the hints posted here, and solved it quickly (about 7 minutes normal speed) as follows: First start the base in the upper corner of the rock, add refinery (+upgrades), and a factory. Make a good portion of buzzsaws and some tanks to protect against the first attacks. Make a hangar, upgrade, and make two Advanced Carry-alls. Now save the game. Then take an empty Adv. Carryall and use it as a 'scout' and try to find a way without anti-air to the 'nose' of the Emperor Worm. For instance first South, then South East. If you lose the Adv. Carry-all, begin again from the saved point. When you have found a safe route, start from the saved point and take a Devastator along and drop it in front of the Emperor Worm's nose. There are no units to protect it at this moment. Get another Devastator with the other Carry-all. Bring it the same way to the Worm. Now with both Devastators launch an attack on the worm, and within a short time, it dies. Easy, but I don't understand how people can do it the 'slow' way ...
  9. Playing as Harkonnen: I could not figure out the Emperor Worm. The voice says at some time: Use the Engineers ... but how to get them through? If you attack Ordos at South right away, they are already guarded, and if you use a lot of time building up your base, you are attacked, and the Ordos base gets stronger... Well, I used some of the hints posted here, and solved it quickly (about 7 minutes normal speed) as follows: First start the base in the upper corner of the rock, add refinery (+upgrades), and a factory. Make a good portion of buzzsaws and some tanks to protect against the first attacks. Make a hangar, upgrade, and make two Advanced Carry-alls. Now save the game. Then take an empty Adv. Carryall and use it as a 'scout' and try to find a way without anti-air to the 'nose' of the Emperor Worm. For instance first South, then South East. If you lose the Adv. Carry-all, begin again from the saved point. When you have found a safe route, start from the saved point and take a Devastator along it and drop it in front of the Emperor Worm's nose. There are no units to protect it at this moment. Get another Devastator with the other Carry-all. Bring it the same way to the Worm. Now with both Devastators launch an attack on the worm, and within a short time, it dies. Easy, but I don't understand how people can do it the 'slow' way ...
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