I too have this problem, and I am running Windows Vista SP2 (since i got a new pc). I've tried all of the compatability options, change resolution, change game options from 16-bit to 8-bit, change the refresh rate, and still nothing fixed. I hate it because I love this game and I really want to play it again. I'll try with my old monitor and see if there are any different outcomes, though I doubt it.
taking note, how r u guys gettin the maps to be viewable/playable? i have to right a whole new cd to have the changes take effect. @gruntlord6: now those buildings and harvester r fremen right?
well, ive got a website i use but i havent completed any and am running into a few binds :/ if u wanna checkout the site: www.freewebs.com/x43bfn there are games on there but they're online from sites like crazymonkey games
Here is my first 'mod' for Dune 2000
This mod is not really more than a change to the units, and increases the strength of the house, Ordos.
-Raider: fires plasma as well as normal HMG and is slitely faster and has a slitely smaller ROF
-Deviator: for the looks, it has a siege tank base and a combat tank turret. it fires missiles at a rate of only 5. though it is weak, it may also heal itself
-Quad: graphics for when the rockets are fired
-H. Combat Tank: also fires rockets
-A. Combat Tank: also fires HMG
-and there are a few others...
I have attached the .zip file to download from here.
For how to add it, read the "README" file.
Thank you,
so... ;D i am currently working on .mis files, .R8, .R16, .DAT, and .map files not yet hit anything i can figure out is there a program u r using or r u going thru the files and editing the code by hand?
idk about getting missions made, lol thas y i made this discussion XD if u kno how to change wut units and buildings go where on mission maps tht'd be great info ;) (as in "how plz")
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