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Everything posted by suboid-worker

  1. suboid-worker


    in fatboy slims song weapon of choice the qoute if u walk without ryithm u wont atrract the worm...is that a direct qoute
  2. in reply to the monthly fee question it will be around 10 USD a month i know this because many of my friends play massivly online games, some of which offer the price cheaper if you buy in bulk
  3. Thanx Nema that will be useful, instead of having to look up every thing in each book
  4. Now that mr relatives have left i might have time to strat making a basic compelation
  5. The fued started after the battle of Corrin when an ancestor of House Harkkonen became a coward and almost lost the war, if it were not for the Atreidies to the resuce
  6. thank you for that legal information ordos and yes when id finished will have it available to downlaod or something along those lines... no but i don no russian if u wanna try to incorparate that in?
  7. thank you for that information ;D
  8. I agree what ever possed me to think about money :O let us to it for the dune community
  9. I think Mahdi ment that if we decided to publish it, we would be infringing the copyright of Dune...Im not a legal person so I have no idea. ??? but i do believe that if we create are own langauage for the dune community then we couldn't be sued...im not sure ill talk to some lawyer friends and find out :D
  10. sure will if veryone makes commitment if go to publisher could make money hmmah
  11. or maybe its imperial galach hmmmm...
  12. 3 times a day once at school one after school once at night
  13. yes it would be funny im thinking of getting some help to build Dune webage with a section for the new language
  14. cool get some more help were in business wonder if were finished we could sell it? Also once were into it might be worth talking to a rep from one of those english to whatever lanquage corps and see if they will help hmm..mm..ah
  15. in response to the last post i would be happy to if i could get help from people it would be a good idea ;D
  16. I sure will if i find anything :)
  17. than u for ur help ;)
  18. It would be a good idea to have a convention host it in NY and any money raised can go to Wtc relief
  19. Im new to the forums, but have been a dune fanatic for a while and i am just wondering if their are any dictionaries of chakbosa(the fremen lanquage)
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