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Everything posted by Hanmya

  1. You got to have a lot of motivation in order to quit smoking. My grandfather used to smoke too, but started smoking again after quiting once. He said he didn't even use a tactic to help him quit, he just said one day to himself that he'll never smoke. Doubt that's a good advise, but anyway...My dad smokes too and he tryes to quit by eating... don't laugh, bombons! And it sort of helps, he likes to play chess, and that's how he gets his mind off it. I suppose you need some sort hobby to keep you busy from wanting to smoke. Best of luck to all that wanna quit! :)
  2. I've read numeros drafts about Hunters, so they're all hoaxes? :O Seems you can'be sure of anything until the book comes out ::)
  3. I got some message in my Bulk Folder and it had the title "Urgent" by some guy I didn't know, could that have been some sort of virus? I really didn't know viruses can be sent just like that to anyone... [i deleted it anyway]
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