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Everything posted by lysy1972

  1. the spice must flow....
  2. the spice must flow..........
  3. i played lastly with muis - but server closed..... :-[ anybody server work?????
  4. http://en.naukawpolsce.pl/naukaen/index.jsp?place=Lead07&news_cat_id=267&news_id=4403&layout=2&page=text ;D
  5. hi if server will be work correctly then i send message to potential new players from poland on polish site about DUNE. http://free.of.pl/p/planet.arrakis/menu.htm dune 2000 has many fans in Poland,but we are still kicked from serwer..... >:( Lysy
  6. :O niech ssa nasze jajca;) translate:let they suck our balls....heheheh :D but where we will play? lysy and karp
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