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Everything posted by muis2004
Struggling to get online? looking for rotorz connect?
muis2004 replied to JesusSatan's topic in Dune 2000
:)Shame on you shy, but it where nice times. I remember little terror has a brother (big terror?). Played to him on dune and ra2. I cant remeber if he was a good player on dune. But he and his brother where i played often. Me and moonworm against the brothers. LOL cant remember if we won that games. To bad you cant play dune. For me its about 1 year ago i play the last game. I like to kick some ass to foxemperor, lol. I think i can win :D -
Struggling to get online? looking for rotorz connect?
muis2004 replied to JesusSatan's topic in Dune 2000
tank, best way to play it via hamachi if you want a on line game. Rotorz patch dont help. but there is no one there, so you have to make your own world to play. Look at http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20809.0 . I always like a game with you, to beat some but to the old king lol.. -
:)you right its out, i also get an error. The second one works. Ok if you like a game let me know.
yesterday we played on Dune 2000 09 2 Pass:123456 Iam also on kottov password 123 But if neccesary we can create a new one
:)he asistrike, how are you old warrior. From the three ways of playing on line Hamachi works the best for me. Its fast and not a lot of trouble to set up. No trouble with large amounts of units. I had big fun playing this game again with lysy the two hand bandit. We played for two hours lol. Only trouble is there are no victums left. So anyone who want tho play against us are welcome. ;) You will die on this planet.........
:)hi Scott, i used to keep dune2000 alive through the westwood server. If people try that, it was very hard to get things going, and to get people on line. We tried it for two years and then changed to hamachi. That worked but was also hard to install and adjust for players. I try the game now with gameranger with some old players. I didnt worked for us. We tried with Vista, windows xp, without firewall, 8 byte etc. I only get a count down when i join a game, and it crashes when i host a game. Can you help us out?
:)hi, its almost 2 months ago that i played dune via hamachi. The last game i played was very nice. There where only about 10 players left, so it was very hard to get a 2 or a 4 way going. The other problem was, there where no new players coming in. We tried very hard to get players back, but after 2 years i come to the answere, dune is not alive anymore. So you will not find any players left on Hamachi, i think. Sad but i had a lot of fun with this game. What i know its still working, but no players left!!! So i stopped helping to get people on- line, and its over and out for me.
:)nothing wrong, you just have to meet someone who is on line on hamachi. If you want a game on line just add me on your msn muis2000dune@hotmail.com and we have a game. About 80 players on hamachi but just a few who play. So we welcome you, there is a hard core of players that dayly play the game and have lots of fun.
:)there is a maximum of players in a channel. Think it is 50. There are now i think about 6 channels. so if its full you can create a new one and post it here.
Split screen windows vista, help a computer dummy?
muis2004 replied to assea's topic in Dune 2000 Support
dont know if it has anything to do with it but read this topic. Said something about vista. http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20810.0 -
If you read the topic you come to this. hi, i had the same problem as you had. vista 64 bit. i tried lot's of things, even a virtual pc with xp 32 on it. Works, but not so great. So i decided to make a dual boot with xp 32 (yeah 32 bit, not 64 bit, because microsoft xp 64 doesn't support ipx; it has the option to enable it, but i wouldn't work, so install xp 32 bit.) after installingen hamachi etc. it works superb!
:)read this topic http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20810.0 There is the solution for vista.
:)darn still no internet, to bad. Sims dont play on line, he is to lazy to set his comp right;) (he use vista). I play about two games on line and sometime we have a 4 way going. Some newbi's are good with engs lol. You can train the asi? No rules lol.
:)there lots of newbi's playing on line ASI. But be good with them or i kill you the next fight lol.
:)you can try to chat on hamachi by right click the name of the person. We mostly get in contact via msn to play a game. Add me on msn muis2000dune@hotmail.com and we can have a game. If the other players who still plays dune agree i give you there msn to. Would be nice if there are new players coming in.
:)yeah we still play dune on-line and have lots of fun. So we welcome new players, there hard to find... with this old game. So join us if you have time :) we sure like a nice battle. If you need help with hamachi add me to your msn muis2000dune@hotmail.com, long live the fighters.
dont know if you tried the 8 or 16 byte option in the game option menu of dune. I have it on 8 byte and compatible mode at win 98 with screen resolution 640 x 480
:)hey xfactor, add me to your msn then we can play a game if you are on line. muis2000dune@hotmail.com.
:)http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?topic=20809.0 , this works fine.
:)very good shy nice testing we have. I saw you for 0.5 sec in the lobby, lots of improvement. And that was it after 1 hour waiting lol >:(. To bad we good not test a game. Maybe next time. Nice game it was fire i thought you where a newbi.
:)maybe we can have a 4 way......
:) thanks admirall. There are now abouw 35 players on Hamachi wich is great news. But we still got a problem to get in touch with another. I have only 8 msn adresses of the playerslist on hamachi. I like to play dune against the other guys who are on Hamachi, but dont have there msn adresses. So if anyone like a game please leave your msn adress here and i make a list of msn adresses from players who want to play dune on line. The list will be on dune2k.com if there is responce enough. Long live the fighters, the spice must flow.....