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Everything posted by DevQ

  1. Hey wizace :D Yeah Emp is nice
  2. We are talking that EA sucks, but Blizzard sucks too. Starcraft have official Blizzard page, but thre're no updates, no new maps... You can only read abut units & something like that... :-
  3. I heard on the BBC that in Nepal's jungle is 15 years old boy that is sitting under tree for 6 months & he's meditating without water & food (incredible) of course he have breaks for talk with his parents etc. I also heard that his mother have the same name as the mother of first budda have (maybe it's case) people from this region are sure that he is new Budda ..... It's invention of BBC.... but also why not the true?
  4. yeah lol that is funny lol ;D
  5. Jump on hard AI. Here you get MORD ;D(lol) Yeaah that's sounds like joke because computer even when you choose hard isn't play very good for example: I've been playing on fishers plain (I & 5 AI players, 1 hark. AI, 2 atriedess AI 2 ordos AI) on hard level. I've been playing the harkonen house & I decided to attack ordos AI player. At first I've used the scouts to get know about his units buildings etc... I've observed that he is making laser tanks & dust scouts & he keep them in one place. I order to my ONE harkonen catapult to attack ground that here enemy has placed his laser tanks & dust scouts and what AI player did ??? nothing! I left catapult & I go make new ground units & fight with other AI HARD (buhaha) players :-
  6. Nice news Schorpie ;D Someone has left fucking EA & started to work. I'm sure that they will create good games (They have nice site 8) 8))
  7. It's queer emp should work on XP but... check your version of directx or another program of this type that you have ( it's good to have quite new version - I have v. 8.0 & Emp work good :D)
  8. if you need to know it - yes i have emperor :P:P & I like to play it
  9. maybe you have right... but why EA don't think abut emp players? I know that game wasn't bestseller but the emp. players exist even that there are no westwood & there is quite big group of emp. players not only few people
  10. White fang have you resigned??? why you don't send me im or write post here???
  11. yeah good combination. ram & graphic card are the most important if you want to all games work good on your computer
  12. maybe you have right but when I see that the author of game "is no longer support the emperor site" I think that he has forgot about players & he think only about his comand & conquer. I don't want say that I think that comand & conquer is bad game & I don't like it :- But it isn't the one westwood game. Westwood think about money not about players. Westwood don't want to support any Emp. website because comand & conq. give him more profits than Emp.
  13. Gobalopper have you ever open this site ??? there is only information that: "The Emperor Site is no longer hosted by Westwood Studios." so if you want to know about Emp you can on dune2k.com I don't want to say that dune2k.com is bad site (I think it's the best page about Emp I've ever seen!) but i think that westwood is obliged to HOST official Emp site because Westwood is author of the game! Nuvollari lol Corsairs rules ;D I play starcraft too ;)
  14. Good idea ;) I'll join in
  15. I was on the official Westwood site & I try to found something about Emp & nothing!!! Whole page about Comand & Conquer ?! On EA games site the same. :'( Good God thanks for dune2k.com :'( :-
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