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heavy trooper

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Everything posted by heavy trooper

  1. Hmmm... In fact, it has nothing in common with the existing dune-games. I wonder if it will ever be possible to realize such a game for a lot of dune-games had never been finished.
  2. Hi Stefan! The experience-system is absolutely great!! And as I could see, you added some nice new features like the caryall blowing up sand when taking off or landing! Now there are nearly no wishes left that you didn' realize in the game. As I could see, drackbolt is also working on a dune II clone withe network support. Perhaps he could help you with the multiplayer-mode? ??? I can't wait til demo 4 is finished! :D KUTGW! :D
  3. I just played through the Atreides 9th mission and noticed some things. I guess several of thme have been mentioned before: - will you implement the original duneII-feature that infantry can capture enemy structures? - Ornithoper-movement should be fixed, it looks not round/smooth - perhaps you could decrease the range of the rocket turrets by one field - target priority should be: 1 enemy ground units -- 2 enemy air units -- 3 sandworm (if at all) perhaps only Ordos and Hark should attack sandworms by themselves, as the ATreides are allies of the Fremen - Do the rocket/missile-units already attackt air-units? I don't think so. - special-weapons-icon on the palace is missing - the sounds and messages for: "storage capacity low - build silos" and "new construction options " are missing. I think it would be nice to add them, as they would create the original dune II feeling - the chassis of t the combat tank and the missile launcher look a little bit strange, as the caterpillar tracks can be seen on top of the vehicle. I can't imagine any tank lacking track-covers. Often, the tracks are covered by the tanks armor- platin It looks a little bit toy-like... :- - perhaps (in a later version of d2m) the siege tanks gun can be repainted (I could do that) that it fits to the original dune II unit pictures. The siege tanks on the pictures have their gun barrels ...but I'm not completely sure about that... vertically --> one above the other, and not side by side - but by the way: where is the gatling gun of the troopers? I didn't see a trooper firing a single gun round. Only missiles. + the combat tank's turret looks really nice :D I love it! + the soldiers have a real nice appearance !!! :) + the more I play, the more i like the super-strong troopers, because they cabn be defeated with infantry, but not with tanks. I can hardly imagine that a tank can hit a group of desert-experienced soldiers with a cannon-shell. so it is quite realistic. I've always been wondering why the troopers were so weak in the original dune II for they were carrying a fearsome arsenal of weapons! + siege tank's balanced perfectly But please dont take this critcism personally, Stefan! ;) You can be really proud of your work! The best and most complete dune II clone i've ever seen! By the way: Anyone knowing of any dune legacy progress? It was also a very nice attempt with only a few things missin... :( Wonder why it wasnt finished ???
  4. Please don't add production queues, for it distrubs the original dune II feeling too much. Even without a queue I have already produced vast armies in the maps i've played, so there's no need for it. The paramount objectives should be:
  5. ;D Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah! ;D Infantry can be overrun! Now we can really talk about battles involving infantry as well as tanks. Perhaps we should first try out DEMO 4 before changing the heavy trooper's armor or firepower. I dont think we need production queues, 'cuz one should more rely on tactical weaponery than on mass-assaults. I sacrificed more than 50 rocket launchers, 80 siege tanks and at least 100 quads in Harkonnen level 9 with usual (classic Dune II) head-on mass-assault-tactics... LOL by the way: Very nice, that the toolbar can be scrolled with teh mouse-wheel! 8) But Stefan, you really have to fix that thing that units can drive out of the map...
  6. Hi all! @shields: Yes indeed, the introduction of shields would make all projectile-weapons useless. In the original Dune, there are also no such things as Tanks or missile launchers. @bugs: apart from this, i've noticed some bugs: - when i place a building in the path of a unit which I have already ordered to move somewhere, it sometimes stops. perhaps because pathfinding is interrupted ??? - I wasnt able to finish the Harkonnen Level 9. When I had destroyed all enemy units an structures, nothing would happen (see screenshot) - there seems to be a constant pruduction of !! heavy troopers (single) !! in my light factory. I think this bug was mentioned earlier. - no bug, but also an issue: You should place the 4x concrete slab to another location. where it is now, it is not useful. - I also see the necessity to have a split-key (x) - ...and the worm-attack thing again: Unit should take priority in attacking ENEMY units, not sandworms - I also think, that the heavy trooper squad is much too powerful. Of course they are something like a baooka/anti-tank team, but this shouldn't make them invulnerable to heavy weapons fire. I remember them carrying gatling guns, so they should also be able to defend themselves against infantry attacks. [attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
  7. That's right! In original Dune-Novels, Windtraps are only used to collect water. There is no such thing as a generator or something linke that. I guess you wouldn't want to add powerplants to the game. as this would not be true to the original Dune II. But i love the idea of adding water as a crucial element in the Maker-Game! This is really a great idea. But I also assume that it will take a lot if work to be implemented. Best idea would be to use water for extra "special features" to avoid gettin 1000s of windtraps when having a large army. ;D Perhaps one could hire fremen troops as water is very valuable to the fremen people.
  8. Hi Stefan! First of all, congratulations on the new Demo! It exceeded my expectations by far! Playing is now so much fun! But there are a few things i noticed: - the infantry gun-sounds are annoying when an army of 10 infantry-squads attacks your base perhaps there can be added a little bit of diversity - as already mentioned, harvesters behave strange, but this was already mentionend in earlier posts - when I built heavy troopers in the Atreides 2nd Level, the came out the WOR already having been assigned "group 2" (command would normally be: ctrl-2). Is this on intent? - I think harvesters should be able to avoid running over spice plumes, as they are "experts in spice", this would be nice - On the "Select next Conquest"-map, the fields are blinking simultaniously, but as soon as I put my cursor over one of the field, they are not synchronized any more... Intentionally? Thanx for such a great game! :) Keep up the good work!
  9. I've been playing the Beta version of The Maker for an hour or so. Here are a few things that merit being mentioned: - if a unit is selected, the selection-frame also fades/flashes I find this a very irritating thing especially when more units are selected - units don't seem to do what they are ordered to do e.g. if i order a deviator to attack, it moves into the opposite direction at first - graphical interface of the game is really GREAT, but unit information (like in C&C) should finally be added - the "caryall bug" discussed above appears to me very strange and disturbing I'm also of the opinion that caryalls should move more smovely if possible + shell hits on tanks and other vehicles look great, especially the siege tank I must congratulate Stefan for developing such a great Dune II based game. For me the best so far. I hope very much that the game is gonna be finished one day including a mutiplayer mode. Thanks to all of those who keep the good old Dune alive!
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