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  1. Elerium

    X3: Reunion

    X3 Is out now! Look on Ebay for early buys or GAME! ;D Roughly
  2. Uhh in Homeworld 1, salvage everything, and I also recommend on the Kadesh mission you salvage everything there, don't kill the Multibeam frigates (trust me they are EXCELLENT) and try to scavenge Swarmers (Advanced ones preferable), and at least 1 Fuel Pod. To salvage the Swarmers kill the Fuel Pods so that they can't refuel when they run out. Send in the salvage corvettes and when they are close, the Swarmers will either dodge, or self-destruct, both which are bad. So, kamikaze the Salvage to give it the extra grabbing boost but when it almost hits press pause (this takes a LOT of skill), and tell it to salvage. When it comes back with new fighters these are good for attacking runs which will help later :P Also, try to salvage the Missle Corvettes from the Turanics. Their ability to fire missles indefinatley is a must (use the same method).
  3. Elerium

    X3: Reunion

    This looks to be one of the best games I will ever play, and the sequels before it, are some of the best games I've ever played. http://www.x3reunion.com/games/x3/screenshots_en.php http://www.x3reunion.com/download/x3/videos_en.php *Drools* Freelancer, EVE Online and all you're other space genres are belong to Egosoft. You cannot survive make your time. Ha Ha Ha. *Now wonders how the hell he can play this game's intense graphics* :D
  4. Elerium

    Diablo 2

    Anyone play Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction? PM me if you want to play online :)
  5. For a game for the young ones I'd reccommend Star Control 2 :) That game looked fun when I was 5 and now look at me now, I'm still playing it :D http://sc2.sourceforge.net/ is a remake of Star Control 2. It's good and addictive and full of humour. However newer generations will be hard to please with all these graphics ::)
  6. If you have Windows XP make a new account, make you the administrator, and make him an account. On his account stick some non-vilolent game and make a password for you the admin, then he can't get to your vilolent games and he will be forced to play the non-violent ones :)
  7. My nick is Imperator ;)
  8. Maybe the next Dune game could be the Machine Crusade? Machines VS Humans in the Dune universe, and also on one or two missions you play as Selim Wormrider who starts the Fremen? :) (Just a thought).
  9. Firedwarf_8@hotmail.com I'm a noob but enjoys the game ;)
  10. So to play on this server I need a password with 12fhu2489nn? something along those lines?
  11. Something is terribly wrong still! Look, I post pics of what i'm doing... http://img393.imageshack.us/img393/3006/huh8wy.jpg http://img392.imageshack.us/img392/9255/bzzzzzt2la.jpg I can play in Xwis perfectly, and connect to Westwood online on other Westwood games like RA2/YR too ??? http://img400.imageshack.us/img400/2026/justwhenitsalmostthere8ib.jpg http://img400.imageshack.us/img400/7126/fatalerror4049go.jpg
  12. I login with either Xenonk, Imperator, UrQuan01 thanks for helping :) I really want to play Emperor with some others :D
  13. Hey there, can you help me? I've tried using the RA server, typed everything in, but when i come to log in, this horrible message called: "Bad Password" keeps coming in and i've typed everything write it just won't let me in :'(
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