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  1. Thanks for the missions. So far: Harkonnen 2: my ally does not receive a harvester after the worm consumed it. Mission is too easy, the ally finishes the enemy alone. H#5: it was the atreides that can be persuaded , not the ordos! H#7: the enemy seems to have too few carryalls, harvesters are easily destroyed this way, and the mission is too easy. My ally only has 1 refinery, and it makes like 12 harvesters for it.
  2. The campaign was great, I enjoyed it very much. It was so hard I had to modify some maps to start with more buildings! Good work. Looking forward to more new campaigns!
  3. Hi, anyone tried Dune2000 on linux with wine ? For me it runs with one major problem, screen scrolling and mouse animation is extremely fast, therefore the game is unplayable. This looks like the same problem which happens on Windows also, and the fix was to enable vsync in the graphics driver. Unfortunately this does not work on linux. On Windows I used an Ati Radeon, and an intel integrated HD2000 on linux. Any ideas? Maybe I should try that radeon in the linux machine.
  4. try vertical sync , or downgrading video driver
  5. try vertical sync , or downgrading video driver
  6. I have an Ati Radeon HD4550. I read that I should install the oldest driver I can find? But recently I did not install a newer graphics driver! Can this be because of installing DirectX 9 for another game? I had DirectX9 already but had to install anyway. Those f and g switches make no difference. I was able to resolve this by forcing vertical sync on! Woot!
  7. The program worked flawlessly on windows xp, and one day the problem you describes just appeared, I have no idea why. When I move the mouse on a unit or building, the mouse animation is ultra fast, and scrolling the map is ultra fast! The game also halts every second for a few milliseconds. I don't remember installing anything other than the latest flash, which I uninstalled since, but the problem remains. Please help, any ideas?
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