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    heh heh, nirvana... :P
  1. Naoki

    CS code purchase

    gee, aaron, ya think i'd be asking with my micro master self if i hadnt allready tried that? google is about as useful as a one legged dog named "li'l brudder" lately.
  2. me? im yoshi13, r4dic4l3dw4rd13, gilamobster, etc. etc... ive been around for a while now, silently observing you all. that post was 50% mockery, by the way, of the people who get waaaay to intense about "smoking n00bs." check out www.purepwnage.com to see what i mean, although i believe the site to be satyrical as well.
  3. lmao fools, you dont have the micro skills! lol lol seriously though, if you got da micro, zerg give you more speed than anyone else. if youre playing protoss, youd best figure out how to get your shit pumpin out FAST before someone finds your base. their high unit cost generally means that someone able to generate significantly higher numbers (ex. the zerg) has a huge advantage at the beginning. also, with the zerg, everything is a half rush. i like the creeper strategy, where you start with the main base, of course, but you spastically generate outposts within defending distance. eventually, you reach your tenebrious tentacles into range of their base, and you start a steady pump of carnage (nydus canal?) into their face, which is subsequentially rocked. but this takes a lot of maintenance, some time, and steady funds, thusly, if you dont have da micro, noob, you'd best stick with your safety dance rushes.
  4. Naoki

    CS code purchase

    yeah, i got this guy, and there's this LAN party, and to make things short, he heard something about being able to purchase a new serial code (for CS), and yet information on such a thing is suprisingly sparse. any idea where such intelligence can be gathered? :P also, fear my micro skills
  5. kiora mateys!! i forgot about the gilamobster thing, i was him too. anyhoo, i might have signed on in 2003 once, but i dont think i was even active then... it's been a looong loong time, my friends. I've noticed you newbies are abandoning the fan fiction section, most notably the war threads. YOU blastherds!! that was a truly epic section, possibly even comparable to the great daggoth ur! what doth of fodder you must be to let such a section go stagnant! a new war thread must be ignited, you people must see the passion, the energy, the exitement of guiding the mighty hammer of your armada down to decimate the ranks of your enemy, writing out the epic details of the mighty struggle!! where has your spark of creative passion gone?! ah, but i digress. it is good to be back, and i sincerely hope you younglings decide to reignite the war threads...
  6. bon of a sitch. >:( why was it only on the bottom of page one? has fanfic died that much?
  7. gob drummit, i've been starved of this for so long!! ^___^ i love these! mkay, here it goes... (umm, is this on ONE planet...? /:( if so, let me know so i can change this, but am i okay in having an alien race of humanoids with interstellar travel and such? cuz i saw m-16s...) (Primary Nation) T.A.O. (tempest armada omnocracy) "we move as the storm, and spread as the rain" Government Category: nomad military/colonists Government Priority: interstellar colonization/resource expandandaion and collecting Economic Rating: alien black market;high standard;average Civil Rights Rating: decent, based on old customs Political Freedoms: low, based on old customs Income Tax Rate: n/a, no income Major Industry: various alloys and minerals gathered from colonies, tritonian metal from jaedaiesIV National Currency: daggoth National Animal: Azuran dragon of jaedaiesIII Total Population: throughout galaxy; 1,210,000,000 Leader: interstellar telepathic mindlink of unknown tribunal, on unknown location of avarusVII Military Leader: tsuyoshi asakura, "will of the fleet" (commands through mindlink system of main ship) Secondary Nation: T.A.O. assasin guild overnment Category: subnation Government Priority: death Economic Rating: none Civil Rights Rating: none Political Freedoms: none Income Tax Rate: none Major Industry: death National Currency: daggoth National Animal: none Total Population: 8,300 Leader: Shinigami sasuke takamura Military Leader: same the tribunal watched uncaringly from the rim of the system, through the eyes of it's mighty fleet. with some amount of aggrivation, they silently conversed with themselves through the psychic bonds they shared,and thought as one. "we are surprised to find this planet inhabited. our plans of seeding this rock seem to have met an impass." the group mind thought about its options, only for a split second. "we will let them destroy themselves, it would seem our prospective colony would be useless now anyway. let us scout this system for 'other' prospects. we will inform the fleets." and with that, the tribunal sent the wave of mental energy fleetward, traveling at near instant speeds. tsuyoshi asakura felt the pulse of will, and relayed the tactical information to the control deck of the massive fleet leader, the righteous fury. "allright, relay the path changes to the rest of the aramada, we're going to investigate the small, watery planet 7th furthest from the main system star. ETA is 2 hours, prepare all ships to enter the Infinity modulation envelope... the main ship began to glow, as the hundreds of smaller ships around it closed in towards it. suddenly, a ball of translucent blue light balooned from it, expanding ever more, until it suddenly collapsed to the size of a city block and shot forth in a beam of luminescence. in two hours, the process reversed, and the fleet found itself hovering over a small world of vast ocean, dotted by archiplaigos and a small continent. "send in a seedship to scout the atmosphere, and search for mineral traces." asakura spoke, now fully awake and standing on his control deck. at his words, one of the pilots entered a command into the strange, spherical control sphere that he operated, sending a massive, arowhead-like pod shooting towards the small continent. when it landed, it seemed to dissolve, spreading tendrils far from its center, seemingly rooting into the ground. a large spherical mass seemed to be pushed into the air by the tendrils, and it finally ceased to transform as the pod sat exactly 43 feet from the ground. inside, a small team of researchers began their work, sending their information to the righteous fury. the tribunal thought again. "we are slightly disturbed by the violent destruction of that previous colony. we will have the assasin guild scout this, and we must ready the fleet for possible battle." and at that, sasuke seperated his band of small, silent warships from the fleet. they looked somewhat like a crescent, having a small cockpit positioned between the crescent wing, and small beam generators mounted on the middle of either side of the wing. they sped towards the orbital aggressors. ETA of scout position, 8 hours. purpose; investigation... for now.
  8. hello, all. some of you may remember me, as yoshi13, or as r4dic4l3dw4rd13, whatever... (that l33t is crap, can't beleive i ever did that...) anyhooo, I cannot seem to access my very archaic account, as I have forgotten my password and old email adress. now, this isn't an introduction page or anything, but I cannot recognise any of the old people that I knew on these boards, and I wish to contact ye desperately. I don't know if he still roams here, but has ex changed his name, or can I still find him here under his old sn? and how have things changed over the years? I reread the rules, but I'm talking more about general attitudes, taboo topics and people, etc.. can any of the old members help me get reaquainted with the tango that is fed2k? I would appreciate some help whilst I browse... Oh, and ex and I have made amends, or so it would seem. we have come to realize the fallacy in our old perspectives, and are now happily talking to each other, so don't expect the old wars to be reignited. :) much love, jamin "the jet" deal ;D (okay, my nickname is jam... I don't like it much, but, eh...)
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