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  1. whats wrong with the controls? can't we align them? people get used to controls. but hey thx anyway... 8)
  2. Does anyone play this and have they downloaded the unity browser? Just need info on it before I try it out. http://us.battlestar-galactica.bigpoint.com/
  3. Madenod

    Battlefield 3

    OMG YES this game will be thee ultimate. BC2 and bf2 put together wth even MORE enhanced graphics and much better realistic sound and hopefully be more indeph into the bullet drop. Can't waiiiitt!!!! Oh and i found this! http://www.gamebandits.com/blog/2011/03/08/battlefield-3-gameplay-video-leaked-from-gdc-11/
  4. Madenod

    Battlefield 2

    BF 3 short vid!
  5. Madenod

    Global Agenda!

    Anyone playing it or has played it before? This game started in febuary last year! https://account.globalagendagame.com/garegister/support/registration_base_trial.aspx Its like WoW but is space based with jet packs and the usual. costs 9.99GBP but would need to be played with steam. includes Quests and mutliplayer PVP and PVE coop in mercinary and raid missions and it's subscription free after you buy the game.
  6. Madenod

    Battlefield 2

    spiceman whats your online name in bc2?
  7. Madenod

    Battlefield 2

    oh yes go for it(the official game) definetly worth it, 10 times better then bf2 and it still has the bf2 feeling. and if you hate lag...I'll just pop onto your server at which your internet will succumb to, as the server sections is now split into 4-5 different areas in the world so all i have do is have you in freinds list, and click on your name, then it will log me into your server automatically...not through x-fire but the 'actual' game. brillient or what? 3 times more weapons and now has tank armour upgrades, and tracker darts, but remeber....you can no longer lie down anymore (prone) and there are no more claymores or jets fighters. man hunt. I think you'd be man hunting them and you can show em what they've been missing..hopefully thats if you don't lag in the european servers. watch both the videos near the top of this thread again, to see what it's like.
  8. Madenod

    Battlefield 2

    Wowo I have just played bf bc2 and what can i say? Flipin AWSOME shooter. 10 times better then bf2 and buildings blow up properly and scraps get chiped off from rifles...oh boy it gets much better when you play online where now you can spawn on any of your team so noone is squad leader. we can play serveral modes in online and one of them is to blow up the enemies M.COM. it still has the Scar.L, f2000, mg36, and the g3, m95 rifles from bf2. and now the snipers have motion sensors. online playability is bloomin hectic with smoke blowing from the ground and explosions blowing near, big big maps and snipers also have the ability to call for mortar strikes. Anyone else have bc2?
  9. Would Chosen space come into this forey? http://www.chosenspace.com/ http://wiki.chosenspace.com/index.php/Tutorials#Game_Objective I'd really like to know if anyones played it as it seems pretty massive to me, Judging that in the Wiki it states that other players would try to take pot shots at us while we're out mining or somert. :O
  10. Madenod

    Battlefield 2

    Well said. ;D Sill, might give it a go coz i've got a great gaming GC. got loadsa hard drive space. would enable me to hook up with ma clan for old time sake, not that i left em. only just that they got rid of the bf2 server and now totally moved onto bf bc2. Thanks for that GhostHunter. ;)
  11. Madenod

    Battlefield 2

    Can't agree that they will make bf3 friendly with such requirements, since anygames nowadays are asking to push peoples pockets to the limit if they wanna play games of high calibre. It seems they used the same Frostbites engine for bf3 as they did for 'bf bc' on the xbox and ps, and then used it on the dx version of Frostbites engine for the pc version. fingers crossed it won't need to much heavey requirements as there isn't any mention of building destruction. :-X
  12. Madenod

    Battlefield 2

    Darn it! Thats ruined me now. I've got a Nvidea gts 250,1024mb,ddr3. should be ok tho but wow this game seriously needs quadcore due to explosions with graphics rendering. One thing we have to remember is that bf2 doesn't have proper explosions or buildings being blown to ****. 8)
  13. Madenod

    Battlefield 2

    yep thats right but it's not just greeny its's nearly all of them in that clan...even knifeshots come back for bc2. bf bc2 is complete and looks brilliant from these vids.
  14. Madenod

    Battlefield 2

    IMO spiceman aka spicy is the best person to shout for a cd key as he has done something similar before with the private servers. As for bf2, it's also dieing due to bf bc 1/2 and bf3 releases so if you really would like to go for a fantastic first person shooter, and you've seen some of the clips above, then keep your fingers fresh for the next bf versions coming out real soon. :)
  15. Madenod

    Battlefield 2

    Found some info on battlefield 3. http://www.digitalbattle.com/2007/10/09/breaking-battlefield-3-leaked-info/
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