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  1. Who can say what is natural. A universe of space/time filled with energy (that nobody can define), that can spontaneously organize itself into sentient beings. The existence of ANY SORT OF REALITY is natural? Why one reality over another? Or any reality at all? The existence of me is natural? Me personally, am a natural consequence of reality? The existence of a field of grass the size of a universe expanding at the speed of light? 92 "natural" elements? To say that if i wasnt here to ask these questions somebody else would be is just a trick of perspective, a very easy way out. I think its called the Argument from Existence but i forget. If Life is just a chemical reaction. From DNA to whatever your doing at the moment, then its indeed fortutitous the the very chemicals that comprise you, or anybody, exist. A real clockwork orange.
  2. Life is nothing more than a chemical reaction? Magic means to involve the supernatural i.e. 1. Of or relating to existence outside the natural world. 2. Attributed to a power that seems to violate or go beyond natural forces. 3. Of or relating to a deity. 4. Of or relating to the immediate exercise of divine power; miraculous. 5. Of or relating to the miraculous.ve the supernatural For every person that exists or has existed or will exist, there are an infinite number of people who will never be. It is infinitely improbable that you will ever be born. Your Mother and Father had to meet and have sex at the right time for you to be conceived. The same goes for their parents and grandparents. They had to meet and have sex at the right time. Go back 100,000,000 million generations and those 2 lizards had to meet at the right time. Go back further and those fish eggs had to be fertilized by the right male at the right time. Whats more they had to survive. All along the way in an unbroken line leading to you, from nothing. How remarkable is it that your identity turned up? It is surely more reasonable that you have always existed and that your consciousness is in fact, one of many (very many) splinters of god.
  3. When an egg turns into a bird is this magic or a chemical reaction? The stuff of the universe turns to regard itself.
  4. In the begining there was nothing. Limbo. Very slowly this limbo began to regard itself much as a pool of water might regard its own reflection. After an (almost) infinity of time (or no time at all) this burgening self awareness of the nothing exploded as a Satori - the Big Bang. Nobody can say what "energy" is. Nobody can say what the Universe is. Everybody, every animal and every living thing on countless worlds throughout the cosmos, are all parts of god, and all ask the same questions, as does God - Who (and what) Am I? How did i get here? Is there anything more? Is there a purpose? Through Eons of growth and suffering, evolution and reincarnation , the parts of God evolve in form and in mind, to higher levels of understanding, awareness and compassion. God seeks to know itself.
  5. SWsi

    Whats goin on?

    Can someone please tell me the story about EA and XWIS Im aware that XWIS took over the running of the Westwood/EA servers I have no problem logging into Alman (XWIS online)and didnt change any host settings with XWISC. My settings are 159. 153. 208. 17 The settings 195. 13. 63. 187 cause my machine to lock up 6 months or so ago Olaf sayed the proper setts for d2k were 62. 216. 18. 38 but then WW started working again so i didnt bother to use XWISC. If i try these setts i cant connect So whats the story. Nadiya paged me from who knows where while i was in Alman but afk, saying i was on the wrong server. Am I? btw, i appear on http://dune.kicks-ass.net/dailyusage.aspx
  6. SWsi


    Love to
  7. Yes the XWIS server supports dune Just wish some more players would turn up
  8. Maybe it was here http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?topic=14276.0
  9. Fcampion do u have RA2 or emperor? Somewhere there is a post that said about registering a nick with a game that uses a serial number an then using that nick for D2k (which has no serial number) I`ll look for that post.
  10. fcamp look here http://xccu.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?a=26;mid=12794
  11. Same trouble here `cept my user/pass still works for RA2 Hope someone at EA hasnt pulled the plug on the dune games
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