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0 Neutral
  1. Ok that
  2. IMO this is just theory. You have to execute it as well. That might prove to be a lot harder than you think.
  3. Hi everyone! I was just wondering if you have any idea of which house is the most/least played. Just curious. Thankyou very much in advance! :)
  4. I don
  5. Hi! And thanks for everything! I
  6. IMO every house can beat every house. The houses are very balanced. You simply have to scout well and adapt your tactics
  7. Haha I love to use Leeches! But having them against me is pain in the a**
  8. Ok thanks a lot Timenn! It really helps me! Thx! :)
  9. Hi! I have a question. In Emperor you can build multiple palaces to charge up your special ability faster. Does it work this way in Dune 2000 too?
  10. Hi! I play the Harkonnen campaign on hard and have run into some problems at mission 6. I have tried to rush and capture the neutral base, but when I do, they crush me with waves of units. Do you have any advice for me? Any help would be very appriciated. Thanks!
  11. Hi! I play the Ordos Campaign on Hard and I
  12. ZeGeR

    PLZ help me!!!!

  13. ZeGeR


    Yes I have a firewall Thankyou very much
  14. ZeGeR

    PLZ help me!!!!

  15. ZeGeR


    Hello! I
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