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  1. Trust me, I know how ya feel. I have 4 APs and lots of grueling labor until the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, the only reason I have time to work on this mod is because Tezcatlipoca has a whip trained on my back for whenever he catches me squandering a free moment away. In fact he may even whip me for posting... :-X Anywho, yeah... if you have to wait til summer that's fine. If you find free time prior to that don't hesitate to join us, we'd love to have you playing. Of course, you could always tell your teachers that you have a very important game set aside online to try out the Dune Tribes Mod, I'm sure they'd understand.
  2. The mod does it's best to not be your typical mod, rather it is aimed towards recreating the Dune universe first. If you want to see what the players look like, they are all skinned and screenshots can be found at http://jmods.bravepages.com/duness.html There are aslo custom made emblems made by yours truely found at http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?topic=16004.msg270377#msg270377 The weapons however are the basic Tribes shapes (changing those would force players to download things and set them up in order to play... very messy and kills player influx). Even though you don't know how to make maps, we'd be MORE than willing to help you personally and I could provide you with some sites that give you basic knowledge. And... I'm guessing you've played Tribes before... so how about you stop on by the server and try out the gameplay. Just look for the DUNE mod. Erm, sorry if I come across as a sleezy saleman type. I just really want to get some people on the forum involved because I know they'll enjoy it.
  3. I think everyone here knows that the Dune universe is extremely well developed. Trying to tangibly recreate it is no easy task, yet it
  4. Well, if your speaking in reference to the pictures posted, we tried our very very best to use the canon whenever we could. So if the prequels said something, that wasn't our territory.
  5. I too am more than willing to give walk-throughs, being a fellow Tribes Dune-ian and the fellow who got his ass handed to him in that promotional video. I suppose you can expect to see me dieing in more ways when we make more videos, Tez seems to have taken a liking to cutting me.
  6. I could make it a banner if you are interested...
  7. I found this topic and since I am the one who did most of the artwork itself (which only got done due to the slave-driver-like tactics of Tez) I figured I'd post the original (and higher quality) versions... House Atreides: House Harkonnen: House Corrino: Bene Tleilaxu: And an example of the other kind of Bene Tleilaxu emblem: IX: Minor House 1: Minor House 2: [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  8. Hmm... Seeing as how Agent decided to show his ugly face, perhaps I should put in a blurb for House Corrino. As you all undoubtably know... House Corrino is the single most powerful house of all. Boasting Sardaukar in large numbers, with Bashar and Burseg leading the way, few can stand in our way. All House Corrino armor is fire resistant, and all soldiers boast the powerful and deadly saber in hand. And you need money? No problem! House Corrino funds rarely run dry. So you can either work for the *cough* crackpot *cough* Agent... or come to the Emperor and save us the trouble of killing you...
  9. The server name is House Corrino... but I think I saw ya connect, so I assume you figured it out ::). I hope to test your knife skills soon
  10. While I am estatic about the response I am getting to my question, I ask that we may try to toss up some ideas about Ix and BT (whether from textual evidence or interpretation) ;).
  11. I'm glad to get a response, but I failed to mention that we are baseing the mod off of Frank Herbert's books, and are doing are best to stay away from Brian's works. I believe that both the Ixian helix and Harkonnen Griffin are from Brian's pieces, and not quite what we are looking for. The primary sources we want are either Frank or an original concept. If one were to use Brian's work as a starting point and evolved it into an original concept, that would be fine. Thanks for the input and I hope to hear some more ;)
  12. Hello ya'll, maybe you've heard of the Tribes Dune mod nearing completion. If not you can see it at http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?topic=7757.0. I'm working with Tezcatlipoca on the clientpack for the mod, and need some ideas for emblems of certain houses. For example, I used an orange H with a blue background for Harkonnen and a gold lion head for Corrino. However, for the Bene Tleilaxu house and Ix house, I'm stumped for ideas. I was wondering if anyone could toss up some ideas for what to do with these, input is greatly appriciated
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