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Everything posted by gkzhsps

  1. You are a REAL EMP player. ;)(Me too..I just enjoy the game. Win or Lost second care.) I have played a lot of games. But I like EMP in my heart forever. Coz useless units of EMP really few. (maker n contaminator are useless ..others ok)It makes us can play more strategically. Infantry Rock it really original idea. So we can use inf often than C&C games. Inf are not trash in emp. I like it. Expecailly when I first time play it, Kindjal infantry's voice tempted me right now. ::)
  2. Nav's post remind me of AIRDRON. What's exacltly his clan name? ..kor? Yep he was an expectional atr player. Almost emp player say that... 'trike and Sonic tank are really sux' I had chance to play with him often. Air really like to make a lot of trikes and infantry. At my first sight his trike, I thought Air he really noob art ??? But I cant beat him with my hark or ord. In this forum, almost doesnt want to talk about his atr style i guess. But you know he was really good BC match player. So i posted that words. "Really trike suck?" Surely i cant play well as his style. Sorry its not point. Then why Air left emp you know? He has a really good microcontrol in emp. But unfortunely he is some like nav.(I dont know nav exactly, just i guess his post in fed2k forum. Air chatted to others always he was on wol. 'Almost really newb. No one cant beat my atr :-[ 'Hey coward. come on. you really fear me? So he was good skill, but his behavor made many guys in emp was his enemy. :( Game is just for fun, is different from politics, argument, or serious topic something. When he ever said to me, 'IT needless to argument to others n nervors mind.MAYBE i think air exhausted laugh to others n fight then. that is not for blame nav, but nervous mind to others, it turn n finally HURT my mind. Just I want to say that. PS) I insist... all setting(ladder op, 10k or 30k n others)are typical stragetical option. its really meaningless say other option is trash. coz Game is just game. ;) to harkdawg. YOU remember MINOKOR nick? i absolutely i can say. HE is just air. HE ever said to me 'Say really good player to dawg you :)
  3. Yep atr has some of troulble in spicebowl at bottom line. ITS hard to stop fast rushing with mino. But if someone has good control with trike n inf...then make mino, all house fairly in there. I dont know trike really sux or not. fisher anyway good map. ::)
  4. I played game wol right now. Finally i played with mordus 1 on 1 fisher 10k setting. i picked up atr, mord ord. I built barrack ref ref fac n made many trikes n
  5. 1.nighf fight 2.spicebowl 3.crunch 4.fisher plain 5.sandypass 6.other map... Let me know what map is fair. my favorite map is fisher n spicebowl... I think hark has disadventage some i guess. Well sometimes when i feel bored playing in same option n map(10k n fisherplain) then i play in island of caladan ;D
  6. oh yea, my english really weird.... i hope too. ::) i studying english. well, will be better my grammer. i hope to u see wol lozee. ;) alchemi, n deluged n ?(sorry i dont remember)really good game today we will be WOL there often 1month later. cu later
  7. I agree with contaminator.guildmaker.n orni need to be patched. expecially contami n maker must be change totally, but not Sonic tank. i saw sonictanks used many in playing. At least it useful against hark i guess. Sonic is just weak against fedakin n sardelite. if atr units are almost suck except mino, how can we say emp is good balaced RTS game? sandbike good too for well micro controller. i guess suck units in emp are few.
  8. you still alive emp?...i have quitted for a long time emp :'( Could be someone of you remember me. I used to come into fed2k site often, but didnt register then. I dont have played emp for a half an year i guess. really sweet. Almost emp players left,but im happy to see running fed n PPL IN WOL. ;) Yesterday i came in new server. but unfortunely none . today my friend got from me my emp cd..I said to him "dont forget EMPEROR battle for DUNE IS best RTS game." 8) Maybe he will play it for a month. he will play just some campaign or something. SEE you in wol or new server after one month. take care all. ::)
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