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Everything posted by snc4113
New and improved work by me. Tell me what you think. Don
I was feeling quite vexed, so this is what came outa it: Get rid of all, Those that hurt the world. Destroy all, That force beauty and happiness away. Get rid of the liars, Cheaters, Murderers, Sadists, And politicians. The rapists, Leaders, Scientists, And worriers. But, if we were to follow through, On this demented plan, Nothing would survive, Not even unborn babes, For they are messed up and screwed over from conception.
Okay, to those of you who are complaining about my poetry, yes i do write mainly on the same theme, but that's cuz i'm a girl and that's mostly what goes through my mind, but just for you, i wrote a poem that doesn't have to do with my normal theme. Politics The lies they tell, No one understands. Everything alike, Clones one and all. No questions are asked, What's done is done. Can't give a little, Only the ornery survive. Hate it all, Can't get along. Fight for what's right, Not pride.
I honestly have no idea where this poem idea came from, i was just that bored, so.. The End The phone rings, She cries. Can
Here's my latest cuz I know everyone has missed my work. Complicated Thought it was over, Saw the light. Now I'm spinning, Full of fright. One, two, three, four. The numbers getting too large. I'm too confused, Need a break. One doesn't know, Two is taken. Three keeps me turning, Four pushes away. Which will turn straight, The right path. I'm lost in mind, Can't decide. Letting go, Release all holds. Need to be on my own, To find a way.
:'( You have more talent then you give yourself credit for. Anyways, here's my latest. Forbidden Love There are things about him, I just can
OMG! I told you, and you know it, that you're an awesome writer. Great job! :D
I Owe You I owe you so much, You probably don
Even writing this one made me cry. :'( True Love People only see What they want to. But love blinds people More than before. I
You know how I feel about it. Excellent work.. and of course, I agree about the lynch mob.
As I've said before, very good work. ;)
Beautiful job, as always. ;) Here is my poem to one of my good friends when she was havin a bad day. Discovery Please give us a chance, To discover who we are. We know these time are hard on you, But they hurt us too. All we want, Is a bit of time, To be able to learn, More about ourselves. You want us to be, Something we
Quite entertaining. Very good and yet it seems that you must go on for this has intisted me greatly. :)
Well, its good to know that any of you other poets can comment on my shit. But, here's another one. Stolen Love It has all flown away, That feeling of love you gave. You stole from me, Without a care. You mended what was broken, And stole what did not belong to you. But that all does not matter now, For now I can not feel. A great actor you are, To that I will admit, However you have failed, What would have been your best gig yet. You did not listen, To what I had to say. Or else you would have known, I have no heart for you to take. Another before you, Did sweep me off my feet. My love he took, And disappeared without a trace. So bid ado To what we had, For you tried to run,
Emotions All I want, For just one moment of time, Is to be able to just lay down, And cry. To be able to let loose, All of the pain inside. I want to know who I am, And what I can be. Everything around me Is changing more than words can say; I
Quite interesting, if I do say so myself. Nevertheless, very good.
Death to the Enemy A fast death, To those who love you. A slow, painful death, To those against you. Kill the ones That make you cry. Torture them Who wish you to die. When suicide Is all you wish, Do not follow through For then, the enemy has won. Fight for you right, To live, To win, To be. There will be someone To hold you tight, To tell you that you are beautiful, To beat the enemy with you, for you. ** I apologise to all of my "fans" that have missed me the last two weeks.
Hold Me Tight A single tear falls, Followed by two more Overcome by grief, They fall faster and in a vast amount. I want to run to you, I need you to hold me tight, And say,
Ghosthunter, let me just say, that I, being the girl I am, actually cried while reading your poem. I could tell that the person you wrote this about is very close to you, and you do not want to lose them. Well, I'm guessing, after reading this, it is doubtful you ever will.
I haven't posted any poems lately.. so here's my newest for your enjoyment, or critism, whatever you want. :- Going Home All I ever wanted Was to life of carefree happiness. To be able to laugh and smile Without sad memories floating back. They took it all away, Carried me far from my childhood home. No more time to make small wrongs right; My time has ended here. So far away, Away from all I love. The people are cruel, And know not of my past. Now I
Well.. let's just say that was.. interesting. ??? Oh, and Apollyon, thanks for the inspiration. ;)
Its awesome so far, can't wait to read more! :)
This is kind of a narrative about my best guy friend. Hope ya enjoy. My Mortal Guardian Angel It took me a long time to realize that I can be whatever it is I want to be. It took me an even longer time, however, to accept that I can only be myself and not someone else. I
That's really scary, isn't it? Knowing someone who has tried to? It took a really sick joke by one of my really really good friend's brother for me to finally realize how horrible it is.