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  1. Compare what Herbert son & his pal did with what Christopher Tolkien did with his own illustrious father's material: the former is a profiteering hack job while the latter is a testament without any intrusion other than (well) informed editorial comments. If Frank Herberts's notes were as framentary as Tolkien's there was nothing more to be done with them, when one knows one doesn't have a 10th of the original author's talent, then present them as is. Argh this is so aggravating ! G.
  2. Grallon


    Is there any mention by Herbert as to why there was no aliens in the Duniverse ? The closest thing are those strange evolved facedancers who seem to have mutated outside of the human race. There are also those killer machines seen in Sheana's visions in GEOD. Who built them ? Btw I've read the first Anderson/Herbert prequels - crap all the way. So I've dismissed the 'explanation' given in those books about the origins of the machine threat. G.
  3. Just went trhough the whole thread - pretty informative in a number of cases (though many speculations ;) ). Anyway here are my questions: 1) At various points during the books (when I talk about the books I'm refering to the originals - none of the prequels) we have mentions of a multi galactic empire. Is this just a figure of speech or litteral truth ? I've read once that bridging the gap between galaxies would be impossible even for hyper luminic vessels. Perhaps the folding principle nullifies distance .. ??? 2) How was CHOAM formed, structured and operated ? I seem to recall that it was a creature of the Guild - it's merchant arm so to speak. Yet when Paul negotiated the peace treaty with shaddam IV (and subsequent plots in D:Messiah/ CoD), the breakdown of CHOAM's control is more or less as follow: 50% of voting shares to the Imperial House and the other 50% divided between various other players. How could it be a Guild's tool if "legally" controlled by external agents ??? 3) If the Golden Path was humanity's "insurance policy", and if Arafel was humanity's extinction, what was the threat causing Arafel ? Aliens ? Thinking machines ? The vision Siona during her test seem to indicate the latter. But in that case does it mean these machines were alien in origins ? The (terrible) BJ was apparently based on Frank's own notes and mentions copies of Omnius sent to the far reaches of the universe in a strategc bid to surround mankind and ultimately catch it all in one net. How could this be acheived (multiple galaxies away) at that time since space folding had not been discovered yet ? And even if the machines were indeed human built and had prefected themselves (thus dicovering fold tech in parallel to humans), why didn't they try to return to their source (the million planet) and fulfill their prime mission (destroy mankind) earlier ? Following this logic, this menace should have come into contact with an expanding humanity much earlier than 1500 years into the Scattering - in fact, much earlier than Muad'ib's time ! It would seem the threat was not human in origin. 4) What was the nature of the new Face Dancers Ducan Idaho sees behind the shimmering net in Chapterhouse. Frank tells us they were originally the "new" face dancers sent away during the Scattering. But they were so good at doing what they were contructed to do, that they eventually reached independance through assimilation of individual minds. Did this accretion process turned them into KH superbeings all ? With the abilities so eloquently expounded upon by TMA-1 ? 5) I've never really understood the whole concept of cellular memory as the basis for Other Memory shared by both the Reverend Mothers, Muad'ib and the Tyrant. From what I understand so far: - life all organic lifeforms, humans react to the pressures of the environment, adapting to them and to it; - any sensation experienced (sensory stimuli, thoughts, etc) is recorded by the brain and stored in the flesh at the cellular/molecular level (like ROM ... but how ? electrons shaped in specific configurations ?); - genetic manipulations combined with the use of Melange can expand the consciousness enough to enable some to retreive this data (thus explaining stories of possesion, reincarnation theories, deja vu, etc); - once retreived this data expands back to the original uni cellular organism in Earth's primitive ocean... (through the female line for the BG witches and on both sides for Muad'ib & his son). That's an AWFUL lots of information to be contained in one human brain... Even counting the theory we're using only 5% of or brain capacity... 6) Leto II said he had the memories of all humans in him ... again is this literal or just a figure of speech - meaning he had enough exemples as to constitute an accurate portrait ? 7) How was Sheeana immune to sexual bonding ? Through her education alone or another by product of Atreides' wild genes ? Well that's enough for now ;D G.
  4. I have no faith whatsoever in the Herbert son and his sidekick - the Lucas-esque Mr Anderson. The prequels are all a disaster in terms of style as well as ideas. I mean psychic sorceresses as proto-Bene Gesserit ! Give me a break ! Anyway to answer the question... the only plausible gholas would be some Tleilaxu. There's no way Sheeana would have let Scytale pull a Muadib trick on her - knowing the consequences of the advent of the first one. Somehow she doesnt strike me as one given to nostalgia - save for a Dune-type of planet. Therefore her migration would have establish itself on some world - transformed it and we'd probably have met survivors of an encounter with the machine ennemy - or perhaps some aliens (which would have been cool to explore: all of humanity's evolution confronted with an entirely different form of life. Some will no doubt argue that the "new" face-dancers are precisely that: aliens - but it always striked me as very odd that not ONCE did humans encountered different sentient beings.) G.
  5. I've often wondered why Ghanima didn't join her twin in metamorphosis after bearing Harq-al-ada (sp?)s' children - which were necessary for Leto's genetic program. Sure only one such mutant was necessary for the Golden Path but out of love for her brother (her "unique friend") - she might have decided to join him. It wasn't too late by the time she reached say 40-50 - there still must have been some sandtrouts left. G.
  6. Grallon

    sexism in Dune

    The Duniverse as presented by the original books (the prequels being irrelevant) shows us the lives of the elite mostly. We rarely see what's going on at ground level - among the average jo-6-packs. Who's to say this "sexism" wasn't a byproduct of the feudal system used to maintain cohesion of the Empire - and therefore limited , as a political tool, to the higher classes ? G.
  7. You'd think that in a universe so permeated by religion - Mother Earth would have been used as a powerful religious symbol - especially after a nuclear holocaust (*if* that was Frank's idea...). The cradle of life - sacrificial images - etc. Contrary to TM-1 - it bother's me greatly it wasn't more central. Which reminds me that when I first read the novels I thought Dune WAS a post nuclear Earth - until I learned it was one of Canopus' planets. G.
  8. Humm this has always bugged me. Leto II refers to Earth a number of times as a lost world. This can mean it's location is lost or it's been obliterated. So what happened to the Home World ?! Renamed ? G.
  9. Leto II - the only real altruist in the Dune Universe. G.
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