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  1. i agree emperor is much better strategie but in my opinion not that much like starcraft
  2. great idea, you might wanna send a few sand bikes for ground defense or even better about 5 or so projecter tanks and keep churning out projections, use them both, then the enemy won't hit your bikes because he's busy with the projections - decoys!!!
  3. great idea but cus' it keeps your tank queu open, but then again it fills up your building queue??!?!?!?
  4. if you want to be annoying just play ordos. but projections work better for distractions.
  5. jankroeze


    you can also use snipers works buetifully.
  6. Force-fire? that might work against las-tanks but not against kobras, 5 kobras with some (10) las tanks will totaly obliterate the harkkonen forces. just use the las-tanks to irritate the enemy and keep them away from your Kobras then you deploy the kobras and take out his defenses. The las tanks need not circle anyway, the sacrifice of one is nothing if it helps the victory of many you just need more. take some troopers with you in apc's they might help with anti-air defence. Ps. i know this is actually an ordos strat
  7. don't underestimate assault tanks, if they hit you early enough they will destroy you. but i agree they are total crap and a few mongoos should take them out, i mean they are harkonnen after all they should have been stronger, after i have played with the harkonnen for a little while i began to notice that theyre units are all impotent and uselless.
  8. why not ONLY fremen they're stealth and they reload faster?
  9. i use fremen and ix, the infiltratrators are cool, but the projectors are extremely usefull. just deploy the projector and duplicate allot of sonic tanks and put the at a row by your ramps backed up by some fake mongoosi, it is almost unstoppable!
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