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  1. Woah woah woah woah woah. Woah woah. No one messaged me you guys were back?!! DLA is being revived!! I'm a bit but hurt that no one contacted me but, give me 24 hours to reformat a computer with XP and I'll be online. I will gladly play on the behalf of DLA again. Holy shit.. Hey Riott, Hey Steef. How have you to been?!! I haven't heard from you two in fucking 5 years or so. I had to recover my password to post this. But.. Wow. So worth. It's so cool to see other DLA members again!
  2. Pre-purchased the Vita, should be here by the 24th. I'm pretty excited about it, it seems to have a lot of good features. I'm not happy with a couple of things Sony did, but it still looks like an amazing product.
  3. He was getting really good. I remember I came back for a short period of time, and wiped the floor with me. I hope we can find some of the old players, and maybe arrange some kind of skirmish, or (if a miracle happens) a small tournament.
  4. Awesome man, I'll give it a go as soon as my internet gets a little better, and I can download files. Keep up the great work!!
  5. DLAOutlaw

    Hey All!!

    Wow.. I'm extremly happy to see that this community isn't dead.. I was feeling a bit nostalgic for Dune and decided to surf all the old websites.. It still saddens me that they took down the original DLA website. The original website is what inspired me to get into clanning, and creating designing my own sites. I hope that some people still play, as soon as I get my Dune2k disc from home, I'm going to boot her up and see if I can still play. Has anyone seen ShyGirl4, DLABaron, or Ophirus in the last couple of years?? I never got any of there contact info, and I would love an oppurtunity to beat one of them.
  6. Think I may buy an old PC with Windows 98 so I can jump on some time. I ran across the old FoH site and I'm feeling abit nostalgic..
  7. There haven't been to many from what I recall. Shy was the only one really playing for the last several years.
  8. Which means you're on your own. =/
  9. The nahoo doesn't work at all for online play, if your going to use it for single it works perfectly.
  10. No. The community left because it's so difficult to get Dune 2k running correctly. We have to be on 8bit mode, we can't listin to the music, we can't use a router and have a firewall running. This is just to list a few, and I still couldn't get Dune running without lagging. This is why the community left, don't be mistaken.
  11. DLAOutlaw

    im back

    DUDE WHATSUP!!! LONG TIME NO SEE!! lol Are you as rusty as I am. I went back for one day not to long ago and got my but kicked. =P If you're serious about playing for awhile I'll comeback also for abit. Well start whooping everyone again. GO DLA!!!
  12. Well I have net again so that won't happen.
  13. Well the thing is I don't have net anymore. I've been surfing the net through the school (which I'm not supposed to do). It's been really difficult and I'm starting to go through internet withdraw. =P
  14. Check out my new sig for Dune. I just got Photoshop CS2 and I've been messing around with it =P.
  15. Well man I can't get back on my desktop computer has been stolen and my cd drive on my labby doesen't work. So if we get a no-cd version install of dune2k I will get on. I was wondering though if you'd remember my earlier nic IceSolidX because you recruited me to FoX before you left. But then after you left their was about 6 months were no FoX got on and I quit. About acouple months later I joined DLA.
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