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  1. Well i was playing the last three days with the harkonnen and yes i submit i do not have experience yes it was not in the house. i find out that harkonnen are not craps they are best!!!1 ; ;D.I think...
  2. Is there some useful defense against those deviators when used on devastators? Also a second question: why are people writing here something like this - if i have 30 niab tanks there is a very small chance to stop them... or ... I have used 20-30 ornithopters and it was very useful and blabla... that's all nice. Huh!? ??? but until i get 30 niab tanks... i mean everything is great when you have it 20 or 40 pieces (except harvesters&carryalls).
  3. Maybe. But i didn't think someone would use fremen specially against sonic tanks.also one minotaur can stop a group of fremen.its stupid that when fremen are heavily damaged they lose its invisibility.
  4. :P :PHm trying to be funny huh ??? Yes i was thinking that the hark are crap but... i went to this forum coz .(read the whole text not only the part with the crap).i wanted to know more about hark. so when i learn more about hark i figured out that they are so crapy ;D
  5. Yes he can but if he come back he will be destroyed one way or another.But it's true that LT is produced a lot faster than a Sard.El. . :-[
  6. That's true but remember that fremen are invisible and also a sonic holds off two shots from feydakin and its dead. ::)
  7. Hm maybe you're right. ??? i don't say that some house sucks. i only say that i don't like the house
  8. And what about some flamies with harkonnen i know there are elites but some buzzies and flamies would be sufficient
  9. Yes yes the laser tank is good but it can be take out with one shot from elite sard. and cost a double cost than el. sard..
  10. Just one thing. ornithopters sucks! gunships rule! (sorry that was two things)
  11. Well the sonic primary weakness is that it isn't immune to its own attack. and also the fremen feydakin can crush thousands of sonic tanks(sorry milions)
  12. i think it is veery easy to play with ordos maybe it don't look like that coz (they have cheap and weak units and also 80% of them can be destroyed by one shot from elite sardaukar) but if you build 7 laser tanks 7 dust scouts and also 5 apcs only someone very experienced can stand in your way coz also you can support your army very quickly because it build fast and walk fast(exmpl.: you destroy 2 laser tanks of mine but in 30 sec. i can build and move another two in) also it's very hard to hit ordos because i can only move around you and shoot and i don't have to give the attack order.
  13. I think that computer is playing like a total lama with the harkonnens i think that he can play best with the atr. i never seen harkonnen computer using the devastator or some other cool things
  14. Well if i didn't hate the atreides so much i would play with them.problem is i love atreides units but i hate atreides.i hate Harkonnen units but i love the harkonnen politics.ordos are too neutral for me!
  15. Well it's true that when i use a great combinations and tactics its no problem to be succesful.the main problem when i use a great combination and tactic with other house i can crush everyone like a bug!
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