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  1. Ale84ms

    Dune full map!

    I've seen... but what I need is the map of Dune, where are exactly the sietches! Can you make some screenshots of your Dune spice map? Please...
  2. Ale84ms

    Dune full map!

    Have you seen the screenshot I made of my dune map? Check if you have some sietches more than me... I would be glad!!! Thanx
  3. Ale84ms

    Dune full map!

    I know... but I'm at 54% !!!! And I can't find any sietches more!!! Check the file I've attached in the post before... these were some screenshots of my dune map!
  4. Ale84ms

    Dune full map!

    Hi everyone, does anyone found all of the sietches? I attached some screenshots of my dune map... can anyone tell me exactly where are the missing sietches please? I can't find anymore!!!![attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
  5. All I can say about this topic is that I found a new version of Dune movie. There are the same actors and actress, the same background but no scene seems to be as in the Lynch's movie. Actually, I found it in a Dune special collection, that contained also a second film directed in 1984 by Alan Smythee (it sounds like the 2 movies were made together) that is 180' instead of Lynch's 137'. It seems there is a part where Thufir was killed, but I have to see it again to tell you rightly. Ah, I'm from Italy, that movie wasn't never released in my country before, and it's fully in english language, even with italians subtitles.
  6. Ale84ms

    Dune group

    I wish to start a yahoo Dune group. The link is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Dunedesertplanet/ no spammers please!
  7. and damn... I'm at 65 days and I've only 54% of Dune territory! :'( I've not started yet ecology, b'cause first I want to find all the sietches... does anybody help me ?
  8. Like I said in another forum message: So, I've tried to count them all... I got: 6 sietches in Arrakeen area 4 sietches in Bleadn area 7 sietches in Haga area + 1 village 6 sietches in Ergsun area 2 siethces in Cielago area 3 sietches in Celymin area 5 sietches in Carthag area 5 sietches in Tuono area + 1 village 5 sietches in Habbanya area 5 sietches in Sihaya area + 1 village 4 sietches in Oxytn area + 1 village 8 sietches in Tsympo area + 1 village Results: 60 sietches and 5 villages. I'd be glad to know if I miss any of them. If you want I'll post the name of every sietch, so you can check if I miss anyone of them. Or if you want I could send you my savegame, so you can compare it to yours! Reply soon Ale
  9. Ale84ms


    So, I've tried to count them all... I got: 6 sietches in Arrakeen area 4 sietches in Bleadn area 7 sietches in Haga area + 1 village 6 sietches in Ergsun area 2 siethces in Cielago area 3 sietches in Celymin area 5 sietches in Carthag area 5 sietches in Tuono area + 1 village 5 sietches in Habbanya area 5 sietches in Sihaya area + 1 village 4 sietches in Oxytn area + 1 village 8 sietches in Tsympo area + 1 village Results: 60 sietches and 5 villages. I'd be glad to know if I miss any of them. If you want I'll post the name of every sietch, so you can check if I miss anyone of them. Or if you want I could send you my savegame, so you can compare it to yours! Reply soon Ale
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