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  1. The flaw in your logic, is that not all players leave most of their units in guard mode.
  2. This is 100% not made up, and I don't understand what you mean by units attacking their attackers. And I don't support Nav, I don't believe Inkvines are ridiculously overpowered, just powerful.
  3. This happened in one of the single player missions. I had a group of Mongeese (about 15) keeping the centre of the battlefield under my control while I built up a mino/sard force. The computer was Harkonnen. Assault tanks, Missile tanks, Devastators and even Gunships attacked repeatedly. I didn't lose any mongeese, and I didn't even have a repair vehicle handy. Then three inkvines attacked, and I lost half the Geese before taking the catapults out. Although of course a Mongoose's armour is not great, it shows that the inkvines can do what the other Hark units couldn't.
  4. I'm thinking the spray is one concentrated type of acidic gas, rather than a mix of several. Despite what the troopers say: 'Chemical mix ready' The reason I think this is the gas must be cheap to produce, because Chemical troopers cost much less than Flame infantry, even though they're much better :P
  5. Yeah, where are the screenies sent to? Data folder? And how do I convert them into something viewable? I had this problem with Renegade screenshots.
  6. How's it cheating? You said Mino's were allowed, so I acquired them in the only way possible. I didn't use Sonic Tanks or any other stuff only available through the Starport. And the first 6 orders 1 placed, there was only 1 mino in stock. So it took a while. What you've got to remember is that there's no possible way I could have minos by the time they rush me. OK, I'll try it again without minos. I bet I can do it again without losses! Could someone tell me how to take screenies?
  7. I challenge APOLLYON! See if you can do this, or better than this. I played your mod, on the settings you specified. I was Atreides. Harkonnen computer losses: about 350 My losses: 1 It was a mongoose. (Now, you said I could build Minos, which I couldn't through the Factory. But you never said I couldn't build a Starport....)
  8. Yes, Chem Troopers will take damage if they get in the way of each other's chemical spray. Although friendly fire doesn't tend to happen as much as with Flame infantry. And your gas turrets will also damage/kill your chem troopers.
  9. My WOL name is, oddly enough, Thexorb. And I don't think Navaros understands me. I don't consider myself to be anything better than a newbie. I've played 10, maybe 15 online games of Emperor. Why throw myself into battle with all the 'elite' settings when I'm barely competent with the 'noob' ones? Playing against people who are better than you, can teach you valuable lessons. Getting your ass handed to you on a silver plate teaches you nothing at all.... And do I like losing? No. I don't mind losing, strictly speaking. But I don't enjoy games where I have virtually no chance of winning.
  10. As far as I am concerned, if a player ends the game for any reason, when his opponent does not wish to end the game, that player is conceding defeat.
  11. I'm aware of the 3 minute rule. I'm aware it's a common tactic for Atreides players who get rushed early. I'm also aware there's no way that will improve my gaming skills. Quit if you start losing? Where's the fun in that? I'd rather get owned...
  12. This isn't a hygiene question. I could use some advice regarding building orders, cos I always seem to end up (a) having nowhere near enough units in play when the rushes start, or (b) riding zero. Let's say 8k starting money with no units or pre-built base, as Atreides. Subhouses: I usually have Ix and Fremen, or Ix and Sardaukar, depending on my enemies.
  13. I remember the days when this thread was about Inkvine Catapults. I must be gettin' old.
  14. The saboteur is/was my favourite palace weapon, because you have the most control over it. With cunning use of Saboteurs, you can crack any base, as long as you keep them away from Sonic Tanks.
  15. Yes, theres a strong argument to say Catapults are overpowered. But they're a million miles away from being invincible... if they are not well supported by other Hark units, virtually any vehicle can easily take them out.
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