Maps based in Europe.
112 files
Goal: The industrialization of Germany is starting slowly. You can feel it even in the far south in Golden Baden. The people want mobility and prosperity. Can you help to make poor Baden one of Germany's richest states?
Author's Comments: I live in Staufen and there I visit the local school. I made this map with the help of my memory, the school atlas and a touristic map. It took some time to create this, and this is my first scenario. So I hope there are not too many mistakes and that this scenario is fun.
-There are no instructions. Just have fun.
-Staufen has got a population about 9000.
-The size of the area is in reality about 35km x 35km
-France doesn't play any role. You even can't access it.
-This is no big map. Just the area I live in, but it was quite hard to create it.
By Guest192 0 -
Goal: Griechenland, um 1840. Nach Jahrhundertelanger Unterdrückung durch die Türken ist ein kleiner Teil Griechenlands seit einiger Zeit wieder befreit. Ver-suchen Sie dieses arme Land auf die Beine zu stelle.
Author's Comments: Feel free to build a railroad-system in Greece. It is an open end game with historic informations. Notice, that the most cities has old names (very different from modern names). The Newsletters are in German/English language (mixed).
Like in all my maps, industries and woods are on the right place. Surely, not all industries worked on the same times but I mean, that is no problem for a game!
By Guest179 0 -
Author's Comments: This is my attempt to make Scandinavia more realistic, and with more details. All major lakes,rivers and mountains are added. More than 200 towns and cities are added. So, in this map its a possibility to have as much opponents as you want. The industry has been created almost as it is in the real life.
The big challenge its to make a railroad track over the mountains in the southern part of Norway, as it is in real life. Its many big mountains to cross, so its not gonna be easy. The real track goes from Oslo-Finse (highest station in the northern part of Europe)-Bergen.
By Guest173 0 -
Goal: Ostfriesland nach dem Krieg. Leiten Sie eine Kleinbahn und Sichern Sie deren Bestehen Bis ins Jahr 1980! Jahr 1980! dert.
Author's Comments: Dies ist ein Geschichtsnahes Spiel um die Ostfriesischen Kleinbahnen. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, die Bahn "Jan-Klein" bis zum Jahr 1980 zu fähre.
Es wird hart: Sie werden erleben, wie ihnen Fahrgäste genauso wie die Treibstoffkosten davonlaufen. Immer Mehr Autos, Laster und die Bundesbahn werden Ihnen das Leben schwer machen - das hier ist was fär Ãœberlebenskämpfer.
Am Anfang profitieren sie noch von den "Hamsterfahrten" der hungernden bevölkerung, das hört aber mit der währungsreform auf. Danach tritt das Auto seinen Siegeszug an...
Die Gleise der Bundesbahn können Sie nicht benutzen, da sie eine andere Spurweite haben. Wenn Sie allerdings die Zugangsrechte fär einen Abschnitt erwerben, werden die Gleise fär Sie umgebaut.
By Guest215 0 -
Goal: Have a nice trip to Switzerland! This map is rich in wood, ore and cattle. You can buy rights to the surrounding countries.
Author's Comments: This map of Switzerland features lots of lakes, rivers, hills and mountains, but also a fair amount of plains. The land is rich in ore, wood, cattle, sheep and milk, among other scattered industries.
By Guest186 0 -
Goal: You have been contracted by the government of the new Montenegrin Empire to develop the empires railway system. Have fun!
Author's Comments: This was the first RRT2 map I made seriously. It was made using a topographic map. It covers Southern Montenegro only and parts of Croatia, Bosnia and Albania. I have never been to Montenegro but find the place incredibly interesting. The location of industries etc. may not be accurate. Ports import required goods only.
It is based on the establishment of a fictitious Montenegrin empire. If you are patriotic American you may wish to change the name of one of the criminals (and that is all I will say)
It was really made for me and features a hotel in Sveti Stefan where I want to stay and when you link up Sveti Stefan your trains speeds are upped 30%. Delete anything you don't like.
By Guest190 0 -
Goal: Bjello Russia / East Poland. This region was always a country of concentrated hate, jealousy, enviousness and war between Poland, Bjello Russia, Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania.
Author's Comments: Build a railway network between Bjello Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany and others. There's no scenario.
By Guest177 0 -
Author's Comments: This map is my first serious attempt at making a map for RRT2. The Isle of Wight is quite a small island (approx. 37Km from East to West and 21Km from North to South.) The island is located south of England (If you look on, SW of Portsmouth is the island.) About two thirds of this island is farmland and open countryside but for the purposes of Railroad Tycoon II I have included most industries. I have also included all of the towns and villages that are large enough to appear on a road map for your enjoyment. I have not included a goal but you can do that for yourself in the editor.
By Guest151 0 -
Goal: The Geocore Power Plant has been sabotaged. The huge fissure is rapidly heating the atmosphere and melting the polar ice caps. Flooding is occurring and will continue if you don't help fast.
Author's Comments: In an interview in "Gaming World", Phil Steinmeyer of PopTop stated that one of their favorite single-player scenarios to play was "Hell and High Water"... yet that doesn't exist as a stand-alone, only as part of the TSC campaign. Maybe they've got it saved as a stand-alone over at PopTop, but it didn't come with the game, and it's not on the Web anywhere... so I decided to create it.
It's exactly the same as campaign #15 -- a terrorist group has blown up the GeoCore Plant near Madrid, and the volcanic gases leaking out of the fissure are causing massive flooding... you've got to deliver 60 loads of cement to Madrid to help seal the fissure.
The user choices in the campaign are set up at the beginning of each campaign part (the screen where you choose which campaign part you're going to do next, with the three choices at the bottom), but just aren't possible in a stand-alone scenario. So I've gone ahead and written them in using the possibilities of scenario events... make your choices well.
By Guest120 0 -
Goal: This map was a single player map that came with the game. After a lot of tweaking and balancing, this is the result. Each corner of the map is closely balanced (as close as I can get it anyway) Have fun...
Author's Comments: This is map from the original campaign (part 12, "When Walls Come Down"), saved as a stand-alone scenario -- he's cleaned it up a bit, and added a few more industries and cities, but essentially it's the same map, with most of the same goals. I fixed the river at Istanbul, but that's all I've done to it. It's a fairly easy-to-play map, in the modern world.
By Guest202 0 -
Goal: This is the region of 'Parmigiano' and of Parma's ham. Along Romagna's coast many tourists sunbathe in summertime. Enjoy Italy!
Author's Comments: The sixth map about Italian regions is ready now: it represents Emilia-Romagna, a region in the North of Italy.
Emilia is the land of Parmigiano cheese and of Parma ham. Romagna is full of very crowded beaches.
As in the other maps of Italian regions there's no scenario: you may play starting in the year you want, with the number of competitors you desire, with RT2 classic or with the new engines and the new game strategies of TSC...
Enjoy this map, enjoy Italy!
By Guest168 0 -
Goal: Braucht Island wirklich eine Eisenbahn? Sie als englischer Investor meinen Ja. Doch die Isländer sind für technischen Fortschritt, wenn er die Natur beeinträchtigt, nicht zu haben. Es wird schwierig!
Author's Comments: Build a free railway network. There's no scenario.
P.S. As in all my maps I made all the industries and resources are based on real economic data.
By Guest165 0 -
Goal: Liguria is a region in the North-West of Italy. It is full of ports, steel mills and other factories, but there's also plenty of flowers.
Author's Comments: The fifth map about Italian regions is ready now: it represents Liguria, a region in the North West of Italy.
Liguria is a stripe of hills along Ligurian Sea. There are lots of ports, touristic centres, while flowers are cultivated on the hills.
As in the other maps of Italian regions there's no scenario: you may play starting in the year you want, with the number of competitors you desire, with RT2 classic or with the new engines and the new game strategies of TSC...
By Guest123 0 -
Goal: In this scenario, you'll have to build up your railroad empire around Reykjavik and expand further on until the east coast of the island.
Author's Comments: This map has been created from a real image of Iceland. Rivers, snow areas and grasslands have been placed by myself trying to respect reality. No city names have been invented. I have edited victory conditions and events to give some spice to the game. If you encounter any problems during your game, don't hesitate to mail me, thanx :)
By Guest150 0 -
Goal: The Chunnel is available for use. You will be charged to use it, so make your choice wisely.
Author's Comments: Scenario "english channel.mp2" (English Channel / Chunnel) - fixes
1) fixed track laying problem
2) removed 'industry investment' and 'industry profit' events
3) fixed various reserve cells
4) added several more Steel Mills to cities - 2 in England, 3 in Europe
5) moved Folkestone slightly - closer to Chunnel tracks
6) fixed IndustryProfits error (my goof) in goals
By Guest188 0 -
Goal: Friuli-Venezia Giulia is in the NE corner of Italy. People from this land are known all over the world as strong builders. Could you be the same?
Author's Comments: This map represents the North-East part of Italy, including a part of the bordering countries. It's a very detailed map, more than, of which we are authors.
There are lots of cities and lots of valleys to explore. Events lead you through the history of this land where boundaries very often moved. In this map what was missing in has been added: a sequence of chapters that define the victory conditions.
We suggest you to be alone in this scenario, so that you may create historical railways without interferences. Prepare a notebook next to you and write down the conditions to gain victory when the dialogs appear.
By Guest182 0 -
Goal: Centurion. Expand our empire using this new iron chariot. Let all railroads lead to Rome.
Author's Comments: Adapted by Richard Lally from "SPQR_tsc.mp2" to take advantage of TSC features.
1. added Status information on all victory factors
2. added SP Briefing
3. simplified event triggers by utilising the additional features in TSC
4. added Barracks (after 1900) as troop movements would undoubtedly be a feature of a Roman Railroad
5. added Alcohol (for the troops!)
6. added Rubber because Tires and Autos cannot be made without them
7. changed rivers into sea at Gibralta, Sicily and Byzantium (because of the 'sea bridges' in TSC)
8. corrected some spellings e.g. "Gual"
By Guest213 0 -
Goal: "...and the railway connected two worlds: the rough North and the attractive South, the hard German element and the soft Italian..."
Author's Comments: It represents Switzerland, and part of the neighbouring countries, that is Italy, Austria, Germany, France. There's also Liechtestein, of course.
There are 3 objectives to reach: they're not particularly difficult, since you've got a lot of time to complete them. The hardest work to do is to build railways that cross the Alps. In reality there are lots of long tunnels (for example Simplon tunnel is about 20 km long), but, you know, in Railroad Tycoon II you can't build them... so, be patient and find the best ways to cross the Alps!
Hint: don't worry if in the beginning the objectives seem to be so far from completing. Build the necessary railway lines first with a single track; later you can improve the capacity with double track lines and try to smooth the higher grades in the mountains.
By Guest247 0 -
Goal: Bienvenido al polvorin de los Balcanes. Trata de construir tu imperio sobre este mosaico del rencor etnico y la megalomania.
Author's Comments: Jugoslavija is the first map I ever made. It is a single player map based on the railway development in Western Balkans from 1845 to WWI. I've not found many info about this, so most events are fictitious. All the message texts are written in Spanish.
By Guest189 0 -
Goal: The Frisian Isles. These Isles are part of a unique coastal landscape which runs from Denmark to Holland. This map contains almost all of the Isles. Unfortunately Fano and Langli didn't fit (my fault, my first map).
Author's Comments: I just want to send you my map of the Frisian Isles and the coastal area. It's my first map so that's why there's no goals or whatever involved (sorry about that). I just don't know how the event stuff works. some help would helpful.. But I know that people that know the surroundings of the area, especially the Isles, would love this map. I tried to make it as realistic as possible.
By Guest174 0 -
Author's Comments: This map is based very loosely on the West Midlands in England. It is by no means meant to be an accurate representation. It is purely meant to be a fun map. The industries etc. are based pretty much on the real thing. It is also set up as a one player game with very safe trains but of course you are free to change the settings to how you would like them...
By Guest172 0 -
Goal: Centurion. Expand our empire using this new iron chariot. Let all railroads lead to Rome.
Author's Comments: The Senate and People of Rome.
The ancient empires now have railroads.
How well do they do against one another.
You are a Centurion building your kings royal railroad.
You must make it the greatest railroad in the known world.
Personal wealth means nothing to you. The railroad comes first. (or does it?)
Computer player restricted from your home territory.
Multi-player. The order you start your company is the order that you are assigned a territory.
Goes in order: Rome, Carthage, Macedonia, Parthia, Egypt, Hispania. Computer player is restricted to its own territory for first 4 years then can go anywhere.
By Guest214 0 -
Goal: Woodstock - a growing economy and tourist haven for music lovers.
Author's Comments: The location is fictitious with place names from the music industry, hence the title. There is, however, a geographic realism, which means the landforms and a regional distribution of industries. The basic premise is an expanding - and competitive – economy, against which several tourist routes have to be established.
This is a challenging scenario and in essence you must:
- Establish five specified routes (and run trains over them).
- Against at least four competitors.
- As the game proceeds you will be offered a contract for a further route with investment opportunities around a new industry.
- Naturally you will have to make a personal fortune as well.
Track-laying is not connected which means that you can develop your empire in separate areas and merge/amalgamate as you proceed. (This is how many railways developed in the early days). The playing period is 1930-60 which covers the transition from steam to electric traction. Yes, it's another set of choices for you to deal with!
This scenario can be played at any level but for the maximum challenge we recommend Expert level.
NB: Hill farming provides wool and mutton/lamb, hence sheep and cattle farms.
By Guest193 0 -
Goal: Can you make the upstart Great Central the most successful railway serving London?
Author's Comments: The building of the Great Central's London extension is one of the most romantic episodes in British Railway history. I hope this scenario captures some of the flavor of that remarkable achievement.
By Guest200 0 -
Goal: After the Great War Europe gets back to the business of business.
Author's Comments: There a some interesting engines during this time period we generally overlook. Take time and study them.
Choosing a nationality will lock the AI players out for 10 years, except Austria. For Austria the AIs are locked out for the entire game. Everyone can go into Russia after 12 years, (weather permitting). AI are also locked out of random countries to make it more fair.
Even so, Beware. The AIs love this map. They are very strong here.
Watch out if you try the 'stop your trains trick' to crash company stock prices. High negative company cash and low revenue and not hauling loads will in many cases result in your railroad being nationalized by local governments.
By Guest426 0