Author Michiel Hakvoort.
The format of XBF files found in Emperor. Not all parts of the XBF files have been decoded yet.
Explains how to do color washes with Paint Shop Pro. Similar to how the map editor explains Photoshop in their tutorial. By Zaphodbix.
A simple tutorial for those who wish to construct introductions for their Emperor mods.
A great help file for those of you wanting to know what the variables mean in the Rules.txt file.
Author Siberian GRemlin.
These documents list what files are stored in the Buildings XBF files.
A detailed guide on how to add new weapons to old and new units.
Part 1 of the 2 part set of INI editing concerning the Rules.txt file.
This text file simply points out the abilities in a rules file.
A detailed guide on how to add units.
A detailed guide on how to add and edit the special abilities of old and new units.