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Melange: an explanation


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I got this info from the DE, it is by no means canonical towards the ideals of prequel writers brian and kevin. I took some license while doing this myself.

The properties of Spice, a "melange" of many elements in a complex polymer are mind boggling. The areas of effect if placed inside the human animal are in the central nervous system, the global immune system of the body, and various other organs (eyes for example).

The brain of a human has many parts that focus on certain areas concerning outside stimuli. One place in particular was found thousands of years after the little diaspora of terra. The two scientists who worked on this part of the brain were docter Kohliker and docter kramptz. They found a small node in the fore brain (measuring about a half a millameter by one millameter) that deals with human understanding of space-time. Spice directly manipulates this part of the brain, which grows these mutated nerve cells (k-k cells). The spice mutates these cells and actually by mysterious means, reproduces them. This is baffling because it is well known that nerve cells cannot be regrown without the help of b-cells which are recoded to grow as any needed cell in the body. This increase expands the mind of the user of spice so that they grow prescient abilities. Much is still not known on this issue, but further studies are being worked on to see the exact manner that these k-k cells reproduce.

The immune system is also effected by the spice. A user that takes this complex polymer will become immune to many dangerous illness' as well as increasing his or her own lifespan. The spice somehow interacts with the t-cells of the body and manipulates them. When this manipulation occures, these t-cells are reprogrammed and their efficiancy rate grows four fold. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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Another interesting tidbit is the fact that part of the polymer that melange carries is almost identical to cinnamic acid, which explains the cinnamon smell that spice carries with it. This can be seen in another picture I made. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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The basic elements in spice are as follows: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sodium, and Nitrogen. Very basic elements really, but make up one of the most complex molecules that are known.

(if you can see the colors well enough, Oxygen is blue, Carbon is green, hydrogen is red, Nitrogen is pink, and sodium is yellow.)[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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What program do you use for that, TMA? I have Chimera, but I have no friggin clue as to it's use. :D

Anyway, you may want to post the original picture of the molecular structure from the DE as well. I find hat easier to visualize - organics was about the only part of chemistry I enjoyed. :)

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