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Someone took my name! (acelethal)

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This is ace here, ACElethal on the old boards.  I finally got around to registering and I discovered my name's already taken!  Check in the member list yourself.  It's wierd, though, because he hasn't even posted!

Technically, whoever registered it got it first, so I guess it's his.  But it's kind of distressing because if he posts in my name and says something stupid then others might think it's me!  :'(

Is there any sort of proceedure to follow for something like this, or is it "finders keepers ace weeps".

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lol Ace, that reminds me of a business term relating to the internet.  They call you a cybersquatter if you steal a real company's domain name before they set up their web site.  Someone beat you to it :)  The good news is that most courts won't allow it to stand (like Gob).

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