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Due to very huge amounts of spice for repairing, I might not be able to complete a certain mission because of that...

perchance there is a cheat for that???

arguable I don't want to cheat much, so is there anything just for that??


Just sell your repair yard and build more tanks. Let the damaged tank distract the enemy fire while your new tanks finish them off.

But somehow I get the idea this is not what you mean ?


Personally I didn't have any problems with expensive repairs. Just make shure your defence is adequate enough so you won't have to repair.

And about those upgrades, they cost a fortune.


Yep, and lots of other stuff ;)

But in that mission, try to build as few building as you can and need. What you don't have you don't have to repair.

Mayby a Command & Conquer technic would work. So spare defence buildings and just place units in your base to guard. The AI in Dune II isn't that advanced jet, so you should be able to stash them untill you start your main assult. He probably won't attack back. But just in case you could leave 4 sonics behind.

Btw. what level are you having this problem in ? And Atreides, Harkonnen or Ordos ?


My defense is mostly a big wall of turrets. And for attack: Let the Launhcers or Sonic Tanks destroy the turrets and the other buildings. And put some Siege Tanks/Combat Tanks as guard.

And repairing isn't that expensive, if you see how quick that goes


I play as Harkonnen, and I am in the first mission you fight against ornithopters and can build the devastator.

I have never seen the devastator in Dune2, but I am looking forward to it..

And I need the turrets for air defense


That's mission 7 :) Ok, here you go:

First build a windtrap + refinery. Then build an outpost. While you do this. Have all units surround your base, this is like this so the reinforcements can't sneak attack. After your outpost you must build a light factory, don't upgrades this one, and then a heavy factory. Then build 2/3 harvesters. Don't upgrade anything yet, except for your conyard 2 times. Then build enough windtraps. And then make a line with concrete, and build non-stop turrets (and windtraps) until the enemy isn't able anymore to reach your base. Now you can upgrade all, and build the High-tech factory. And build alot of Carryalls. And build also the StarPort.

For attack:

Like I said. Have a bunch of launchers shooting at the turrets. While your devastators protect them for attacking AI units. Destroy the bases in this way.

Oh yeah, you can build an extra refinery if you like. But it doesn't affect your economy that well, and you only have to build many silo's

Good luck

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