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SH2K v1.1.7 Upgrade Released


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OK, after much waiting, I've finally released SH2K version 1.1.7. There's heaps of new features - for a complete list, read the news articles I posted over the past few days.

The installer for this version was done using InstallShield, so the download is really small (560kb). From now on, I plan to split the editor into two parts. One part will have the Visual Basic runtimes, along with other DLLs the editor uses. You will only have to install this once (unless you've installed SH2K before). Then, you just download the small patch file for the version you want.

I'm still learning how to use InstallShield, so this version of the installer doesn't create program icons. Just make a copy of the icons before uninstalling the previous version.

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