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Phillipe Baude, the most frequent moderator on the Dune Generations forums is at it again, even dragging up month old topics to answer. What a guy!

We have all the Big Heads of the Dune Universe (Imperium, Landsraad, CHOAM, Bene Gesserit, Bene Tleilax, Space Guild, Ix, Smugglers...)

For now, all will be controlate by us [cyro interactive] or admin in the game


[Aristocratic Titles] won't be chosen by players...


Propaganda -> by chat but also by the prestige points, if you rule Arrakis, your ranking and your reputation

Spies -> yes

Assassinations -> yes (with different weapons)

Undermining larger people -> maybe if you're stronf enough or numerous

Alliances/Clans -> yes

Information gathering -> yes (my dear BLack book... )


we won't see special products in the game

There is too many players and those special products are manufactured from big Houses


We try [to include the holtzman effect by having units either refuse to fire lasguns at shielded units or use hand to hand combat] but it was not very conclusive


Renegade Houses are free of Imperium laws

but they are wanted by all and specially the imperium

To go back to the normal way, you'll have to do missions to retrieve the Empereror's consideration or to bring the head of an another renegade house


There you have it, the latest updates on Dune Generations.

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