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Any Modder planning to update Rat Button config ?


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I mean to update Rat buttons work the same way as they do in Starcraft for example. Left button selects unit(s) & attack with right one.

Hard time with good ol Dune 2000 cause of both done with same button :/ 2nd Question: How can i find & add latest patch to Dune 2000 ?

Kindly: Fedaygin

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1 hour ago, Fedaygin said:

I mean to update Rat buttons work the same way as they do in Starcraft for example. Left button selects unit(s) & attack with right one.

Hard time with good ol Dune 2000 cause of both done with same button 😕 2nd Question: How can i find & add latest patch to Dune 2000 ?

Kindly: Fedaygin

Oi mate!

I dunno about changing the mouse buttons, but there's a "Hotkeys" section in the Dune2000Config executable you used to get OBS working with D2k. From what I can see, there's no way to change the mouse buttons, but you might find some other useful hotkeys there.

There are also some not listed. I'll put some unlisted commands and good combos here:
Ctrl + # = Bind the selected units to a key. Select them by hitting the assigned number again.
Alt + # = Center view on a unit in the group assigned to the number.
Shift + Click = Select or deselect a unit without affecting other units you've selected. Box select doesn't work with this; it's only for single units. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it isn't that bad; I mostly use it to get the odd Combat Tank in a group or deselect a Harvester in the middle of my guys.
X + G = Scatter and Guard. If you're worried about infantry being picked off by Siege Tanks or Grenadiers, or run over by Combat Tanks, but you can't babysit them, this useful combination of commands will spread them out and make them aggressive towards whatever comes their way. Not superior to micro, but hey, it's something.

Also note that the original resolution the game was meant to be played in is actually 640x400. While it may sound silly to downgrade to that resolution, there are a couple of reasons for doing so. For one, the amount of items on your sidebar at any time will be 4, which makes the game harder since you need to navigate the sidebar more attentively for your macro. Additionally, the hotkey E is the default for selecting all units on screen. At a high resolution, you're more likely to select stuff you don't necessarily want, like a Harvester or three! However, at lower resolutions, you can more precisely pinpoint the units on the map you want to quickly select en masse.

If 640x400 is too low, I've taken a liking to playing the game at 800x600. That resolution will get you eight items at a time on the sidebar, which is plenty to work with.
Hope that helps. :)

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Howdies m8. 

Uhmm duh i forgot to take a look into Hotkeys. Ah Dune 2000 also had good ol 'Scatter' command just as C&C from -95 :) Some others i also know, but not all you listed so thanks a lot :) Going to try some out later today when back from trip to International Market at downtown. I used 800x600 Res yesterday via Display Capture at OBS, but didn't work out cause feed had half screen showing desktop & rest was Dune 2K.. That was weird :/ For some reason OBS captures only half of the game & makes the screen flicker with that Res. I've been using 1280*720 or close to it if i recall & then works, but 40% or so gets left out from the screen. Doesn't matter that much. Was nice to watch that 800x600 cause it looked better (weird yes :P). 

Scrolling was fast even when put the scroll spd almost completely to left side :D Just shame that flickering & half screen only shown when send it out to Planet Earth. I can't use 'Window Capture' cause OBS doesn't recognize Dune2K window. It does recognize it with 'Game Capture' (like we talked about earlier), but not shown on Livestream :( Guess i have to stay with that 1280x (something) Res. Here's a link to my stream from yesterday. Talking starts around 5mins20scs if remember. 

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/426122824 PST: Long Live Atreides even started adventures first with Ordos :P

Kindly: Fedaygin

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There are plenty of options you might wanna tinker with that could help. Disable High DPI Scaling, Force DirectDraw Emulation, Single Processor Affinity, Video Backbuffer... and of course, GDI mode if you enable DxWnd. I dunno if anything will fix the problem, but it's probably the matter with settings.

I forgot to mention, you CAN box-select with shift if you do it this way... for example:
 - Bind a group to 1.
 - Box select another group of units.
 - Hit shift + 1.
 - Then hit ctrl + 1.

Ayy, thanks for the link. :D Imma check 'er out.

Edited by Fey
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On 5/18/2019 at 9:22 PM, Fey said:

There are plenty of options you might wanna tinker with that could help. Disable High DPI Scaling, Force DirectDraw Emulation, Single Processor Affinity, Video Backbuffer... and of course, GDI mode if you enable DxWnd. I dunno if anything will fix the problem, but it's probably the matter with settings.

I forgot to mention, you CAN box-select with shift if you do it this way... for example:
 - Bind a group to 1.
 - Box select another group of units.
 - Hit shift + 1.
 - Then hit ctrl + 1.

Ayy, thanks for the link. :D Imma check 'er out.

Howdies. Ah this control move is good :) I've tried those things to fix the Stream feed that's messed up only to people watching, but not for me. Or well same thing also with cutscenes as they're shown in small window at top left for viewers, but for me it's stretched video. Bigger cutscene cause chose that setting from launcher, but it's small for viewers :/

Also strange & ear drum breaking is the glitch that puts the volume to max when cutscene start playing.. I tried to check if fixing that would be found from config file in installation folder, but on that cfg file there wasn't option to stop it. I've tried the scaling option when using 'Display Capture' at OBS, but didn't work either. Missions Always half screen size for viewers & cutscenes are very small at top left :/ This way mission is shown to viewers 
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/428215867?filter=all&sort=time :/ On my screen it's fullscreen view & even after tried cropping at OBS it's shown like that to viewers. Guess i'll stick with that & go forward with the campaign & then take a look at Fans made content. Following advices told by you & Cm_Blast :)

Kindly: Fedaygin

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25 minutes ago, Fedaygin said:

Howdies. Ah this control move is good :) I've tried those things to fix the Stream feed that's messed up only to people watching, but not for me. Or well same thing also with cutscenes as they're shown in small window at top left for viewers, but for me it's stretched video. Bigger cutscene cause chose that setting from launcher, but it's small for viewers 😕

Also strange & ear drum breaking is the glitch that puts the volume to max when cutscene start playing.. I tried to check if fixing that would be found from config file in installation folder, but on that cfg file there wasn't option to stop it. I've tried the scaling option when using 'Display Capture' at OBS, but didn't work either. Missions Always half screen size for viewers & cutscenes are very small at top left 😕 This way mission is shown to viewers 
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/428215867?filter=all&sort=time😕 On my screen it's fullscreen view & even after tried cropping at OBS it's shown like that to viewers. Guess i'll stick with that & go forward with the campaign & then take a look at Fans made content. Following advices told by you & Cm_Blast :)

Kindly: Fedaygin

Nice timing, I just got on. XD

I see, that's awfully strange. Hmm, have you tried running the game in windowed mode and using display capture to set it? I believe the way the fullscreen works is it'll put the game window in the top left and set the display to match that resolution. OBS will pick up the rest of the screen while all you're seeing is the resolution you set.

Maybe if you tweak your monitor's resolution in the control panel AND the in-game resolution, and run in windowed / borderless / modal style, that should simulate fullscreen without actually being fullscreen. I'll give you an example:



In the above screenshot, I had the game set to windowed mode, but it appeared to be fullscreen because it took up the entire resolution of my display - I have an ultrawide for video editing. Say you were to go to the display settings in control panel (https://i.imgur.com/8dVkHaK.png) and bump your monitor's resolution down to where you want the game to run. Would that appear to be fullscreen in the stream output, you suppose?

Might be worth testing. :)

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Hehe nice with timing x) Strange indeed.. :/ Big thanks for suggestions :) I'll take a look into these later today & if doesn't work then i'll settle in to use 1980x1080 & eat more blueberries to improve eyesight :D Viewers also see everything in tiny view, but some who get lost to my Arrakis channel don't mind about it. *Bows and thanks & dazed after saw your Res* :D o/

Kindly: Fedaygin

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23 minutes ago, Fedaygin said:

Hehe nice with timing x) Strange indeed.. 😕 Big thanks for suggestions :) I'll take a look into these later today & if doesn't work then i'll settle in to use 1980x1080 & eat more blueberries to improve eyesight :D Viewers also see everything in tiny view, but some who get lost to my Arrakis channel don't mind about it. *Bows and thanks & dazed after saw your Res* :D o/

Kindly: Fedaygin

Like I said, I normally play in 800x600 for fun or 640x400 for testing. I have really cruddy eyesight too. :) I set it to max because when the game's resolution matches the desktop's resolution, it'll appear to be fullscreen even if it's windowed, and that can help fix some problems with, say, Display Capture in OBS for instance.

The reason we use 640x400 for testing purposes is because certain things, like in-game text transmissions, might clip off the side of the screen or onto the sidebar if they're too long. So if we play at the default resolution and there's no problem with the text, that's one more glitch we don't gotta fix! Among some other things, like difficulty scaling for instance. That's tested with a lower resolution because our macro and micro are limited.

Anyway, link us a clip when you test the stream out with that idea. I'm really curious to see how that works out!! :D

P.S. - FYI, Fraps works for recording D2k. At least, it does for me. I don't think you could stream with Fraps, but if you were to do YouTube videos or something, it might be handy to know. I use Fraps for some other stuff too, it seems to work nicely for old stuff, but really you've gotta have a lot of hard drive space and compress your footage whenever you record. Fraps' file sizes are ridiculous! But if you run the files through Virtualdub with the Xvid codec, that shaves off like 95% of the file size without any losses in quality, and there ya go.

Sorry, I don't mean ramble. :P If you wanna know more about my process for video editing, compression and stuff, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I'm gonna try to stay on topic. :)

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Howdies o/

Nah no rambling there at all. Good tips big thanks for all that you've written :) I've had better last two days in past couple weeks. This one gonna be bad again i think cause of drilling from neighbor randomly starting from 8:20 lasting to 11:20. Hope no more tomorrow morning & that could get energized day like Thorsday was. I've tried all the suggestions with no luck (I think i tried them all) so i ended up using 1980x1080 Res. It's okies even requires more of those Blueberries heh with Dune2k (Not with newer games as you know).  Oh thanks for mentioning Fraps, but i know it & i use OBS to record cause it packs vids way better & quality remains good. Quality not bad with Fraps, but sizes are huge & ridic. like you wrote ^^ Aah didn't know about that method with Xvid Codec. That's great for Fraps users who don't wanna move to recording with OBS for example :)

Talk about 'Game Capture' mode not working for Dune 2K.. I think it doesn't work for it even it recognizes The Dune 2000 exe is cause GruntMods launcher creates some sort of extra instance (or something) for Dune 2K exe so OBS don't wanna stream it :/ There's not a separate launcher for Dune 2: Legacy (That Kinda Remastered Dune 2 that has modern controls & even waypoint set from Buildings) so game capture works for it. Oh & thanks for writing about Box Selecting Units for Dune 2K cause it doesn't have that Double click on unit to select all same type units that are nearby.

It works with Dune 2: Legacy that is years older x) Selecting all same while pressing Shift is good for Dune 2K, but ofc double click like in D2 Legacy would be sweet to have. 
https://sourceforge.net/projects/dunelegacy/ Is the Dune 2 link on this Forum also about Dune 2: Legacy or other remastered version or original Dune 2 ? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/429152664?filter=all&sort=time <-- Glitchy Cutscene going to viewers. It's Description below the window (open by clicking 'Show more' o/ There's also long one where adventured in Campaign using High Res. Gonna remove it on weekend, but maybe create highlight before that.

Kindly: Fedaygin

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