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Campaign Missions in Skirmish Mode

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I want to find a way of converting the beautiful maps from the campaign missions into playable skirmish maps. Surprisingly I have found no discussion on this topic - and I know we're all dead these days but I would love to work on making this happen if anybody can help or point me in the direction we need to head.

The campaign maps are so much more detailed than in skirmish mode - and so much more natural - i.e dune esk. Just go ahead and play any mission - and look at the detail - the shapes - the base locations - you will see  a clear difference to that of standard skirmish maps. I would need to extract each mission and convert them to DME map editor files - presumably start locations need to be added as oppose to mere entrances and in some cases prebuilt content removed. I think aside modifications - the best possible way to improve this game - is to allow access to all maps in skirmish and online play.


Any thoughts?

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