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A Western University climatologist says that the pacific waters of the US coast have been cooling since 1999.  1998 had no change in temperature. He said that year ended the warming cycle, that, we are now in a cooling cycle.  People should be more concerned about this cooling cycle then with the warming cycle. Conditions are setting up for some rough winters during an overlapping of two different cooling cycles. One is a normal short cycle and one is a very long cycle. He also said the small amount of Carbon that people produce mostly helped plants to grow.  But with the lack of summer warming expected, Cool weather will cause a shortage of food for a number of years.

Skiers searching polar ice for signs of global warming have been stranded in extremely cold and stormy weather.  Planes have been unable to deliver food and supplies to them.  Without supplies they are now in danger of freezing to death.

Low temperatures in parts of Canada have set new records for cold weather.

The President says he is upset with the bonuses given by AIG.

The CEO of AIG was appointed by Obama to head AIG

The stimulus package that AIG received, dictated that bonuses would be given.

These bonuses were a small part of the Stimulus.  A few million.

The same Stimulus gave instructions to give Billions to foreign banks so they can help save us.

Our country needs to be bankrupt for Socialism to be successful. This whole thing sounds

like an Obama smoke screen for his excessive deficit spending in other areas of the stimulus.

We talked to a pair of young people (mid 20s) at our library, who said they were against the government's funding of crooks.  They said they were against both Liberals and Conservatives. 

They wanted us to sign a partition to be sent to Obama for him to do the right thing.  But the partition didn't say what the right thing was.  When questioned, They said they wanted Obama to do what Roosevelt did.  I said do you mean Roosevelt's New Deal.  They said yes.  I asked them if they knew that Roosevelt's New Deal had delayed the ending of the last depression by about 3 or 4 years.  They said no; that was only smear against Roosevelt.  We asked them who they had voted for.  They said Obama but really wanted Clinton.

I didn't think to ask them if they were members of ACORN.

It was an interesting exchange; but, We didn't sign their partition.   

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From everything I have read, the New Deal did prolong the depression.  It also brought us Social Security, which is a financial disaster waiting to happen.

That said, FDR did get a few things right.  While he did throw money at the problem, he created specific "make work" projects rather than unended "welfare."  Some of those projects included planting over 11 million pine trees here in central Louisiana to replace all the trees cut down between about 1900 and 1930.  He put people to work transcribing census data going back to 1790.  If you are into genealogy, you can thank FDR for all those microfilm records.  Starving artists were paid to paint tasteful murals inside public buildings, rather than paid huge sums to create "art" that no one will pay for on a good day.  Many of those murals still exist (the on in our original post office [no longer used as post office] still looks nice).

Much of what FDR did I disagree with.  But at least his "earmarks" would targeted to specific work projects, rather than just throwing money in the air and hoping it does some good.

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I don't have the time to watch that 2 hour video, not to mention the others there, but I could see where it's going.

With that in mind, here's a couple of links that may be of interest.



Along the same lines but more vast than one could imagine, or could one?

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I listened to a person the other night, say that we need to solve global warming that it is caused by an 25% increased in CO2, world wide, over the last 200 years.

I guess he does not know that people, world wide, have been cutting down the forests for the last 200 years and are still doing so.   Trees need and absorb CO2 and give us back mostly oxygen that we need to live.  Fewer trees means less CO2 has been pulled out of the air for the last 200 years.

Dumb,  Dumb,  Dumb.   ::)

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