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Hey folks,

I'm making a lot of events to put in a map. I'm also doing a description of all the events, that can guide the strategy before playing the map. It will be done soon, then I share with you.

But I would like to know with there is a Trigger to know the cash of the competitors players or companies. I would like to create an event based on the AI Players or Companies cash. Is that possible? How?

Thanks in advance for the reply.



It's almost done. I will have to learn more about the events editor to improve it.

But I would like some feedbacks on this version.

See attached the map (i just use the Eastern Europe map) and the guide of the events included.

Its for RRT2 TSC.

If you see some semantic errors on the texts, please tell me, so I can correct. English is not my mother language.






It's almost done. I will have to learn more about the events editor to improve it.

But I would like some feedbacks on this version.

See attached the map (i just use the Eastern Europe map) and the guide of the events included.

Its for RRT2 TSC.

If you see some semantic errors on the texts, please tell me, so I can correct. English is not my mother language.




If you open up the Railroad Tycoon folders, you'll find text files in them that list the various events you can use in the event editor.  Company and player cash are both available.  I forget the exact syntacs you have to use.

I'm on a business trip and don't have the game CD with me.  I'll check out you map when I get home in a couple of weeks.



Hi Thomas,

I check the TXT files, and it is the same manual that I have for the editor.

There is CompanyCash and PlayerCash, but this return the cash of the current player, not the competitors.

These parameters was created thinking in a game as a board game, and them the events are like wildcards that you can get. In these sense, you cannot make decisions that will affect the competitors.

But I did some workaround, I will test now...


I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but have you tried to check "Test against multiple companies" in the trigger section of the event. CompanyCash should return the cash on hand for each of the specified companies, not only the human company. Similar for PlayerCash.




Hi Magnus,

Yes I try this one, but is not working and I don't know why.

I made the following event, just to test:

Event 1) tested against human companies

Trigger: GameYearsElapsedSinceStart=2

Effect: GameVariable1 +1

Event 2) test only against AI companies

Trigger: GameVariable1=1

Effect: CompanyCash +28,000 K

This event works, but only for one of the AI companies. Not for all of them. And after 1 year, the cash disappear. The company didn't invest in anything, but they just don't have the money anymore.

My objective is create an event that allow us to donate money to the competitors. Company or Player. Because after some years they always go to bankruptcy and the AI Player don't have money anymore to build another company. So I would like to donate money to the players, so they can build another company. How can I do this?


I am not an event expert, but I can shoot some shots in the air... :

How often do you test Event 1? If you test each month, GVAR1 will become greater than 1 and Event 2 will not trigger anymore. Maybe you want to set the game variable to 1, not add 1 to it? Maybe it should be an "One time only" event (if it is not already)?

It looks like you do not need to test Event 1 against multiple companies at all, since only Game functions are used in the trigger nor effect (no Company* nor Player* functions). Maybe it does not matter since there are only one human company anyway.

Also, make sure the "One time only" option is unchecked for Event 2. Otherwise that event will not not be executed once it has been evaluated to true. (this might be the cause of only one AI company gets extra money?).

Maybe it is better to drop Event 1 entirely and have Event 2 trigger on [tt]GameYearsElapsedSinceStart=2[/tt] directly (for every computer company)? After two years of play every AI company get some extra money? (Test every year)

I have no clue why the money disappears after one year... Are you sure that the money is not used to pay the usual costs (maintenance, fuel, ...) and/or dividends?

Just some shots in the air...


(Railroad Tycoon II Platinum)


Thank you Magnus, it works!

The Yearly frequency was already marked. The problem was "Only one time event".

The event 2 cannot be "Only one time".

Now all the AI companies get the money, and the money don't disappear.

I'm sure that in the other one the money disappear, because I check the balances of the companies. I'm not an expert on accounting, but money just don't go away without any record :) Now its working.

I don't want to put everything directly on event 2, because I want to give the option to the player. Sometimes you want to help them, sometimes you don't.

Now I will fix the events on this map that I already post, and put some more, update de guide and put the final version here.

If you have time, and you don't want to play the map, just give a look on the PDF (Guide of Events), and give me feedback about the events. Just to know if they are good ideas or not.



You probably know you can use common math with variables and with some triggers.

THE FOLLOWING IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE OF PROCESSES :  These would have to be customized for fit each event sequence.

If you use a trigger variable1 to equal the cash of all companies minus your companies cash would = the cash of only the AI companies as a variable2 effect. 

Turn can turn these figures into another variable as a percentage by multiplying. 

Then to give cash to one or all of the AI companies: Use an event: if a variable is less than a given percent of some other variable, give a set amount of dollars to each company ID 2, and  ID 3,  etc. etc. etc.

You could use the percentage amount multiplied by a constant, 0.25 etc. to give all companies a set amount of money depending upon what a percent variable represents. and with another event remove the same amount from your own company so only AI companies keep the cash.  You can give money to any single company by using their ID #.

Being able to use math makes the RRT2 editor much more powerful than RRT3 editor.  Don't forget the rule:  order of operations so the math works correctly. 

It is good that you are putting the sequence of operations on paper first.  It will make it easier to figure out.  Use a hand calculator to check some simulated math before writing the events into the editor so they fire in the correct order.


Thanks for the tip Gwizz.

I use some mathematical signs to create an event that will play every 10 years, doesn't matter the date. Now I made what I want, and I tested all the events.

Here is the final map with all the events.

This events changed the dynamic of the game. They are not isolated events; some of them happen every decade, and you can use it to increase the revenue. The goodwill now have more importance on the game. You can only make a promotion when you already have a good goodwill.

You can also choose between bad and good side. You can do things like marketing, or deal with the mob. More jobs you accept from mob, more different types of jobs they will offer, and more risk you will have to hurt your goodwill. You can harm or help the competitors.

I hope you enjoy!




Thanks for the tip Gwizz.

I use some mathematical signs to create an event that will play every 10 years, doesn't matter the date. Now I made what I want, and I tested all the events.

Here is the final map with all the events.

This events changed the dynamic of the game. They are not isolated events; some of them happen every decade, and you can use it to increase the revenue. The goodwill now have more importance on the game. You can only make a promotion when you already have a good goodwill.

You can also choose between bad and good side. You can do things like marketing, or deal with the mob. More jobs you accept from mob, more different types of jobs they will offer, and more risk you will have to hurt your goodwill. You can harm or help the competitors.

I hope you enjoy!

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