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In their face comment

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Rob, you might know the answer to this question.

I was doing some painting today and I had the radio on in the back ground.  They were talking about Obama's involvement with ACORN, which I already knew about.  So I was only half listening.  An audio cut was played from one of Obama's meetings.  In his dialog he told the people at the meeting to keep getting in their faces.

I don't know if he was talking to ACORN people as their legal rep. or to his election supporters.

Have you heard this quote before? 

I got to thinking afterward that this may be the reason why there are so many Obama supporters that want to put words together without actually saying anything of substance.

This comment does not refer to some of the polite debates we have had here at the terminal with Maddog and some others.

I also value different view points.  If I'm not correct on something I want to know.  Only a fool wouldn't.

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I'm too lazy right now to look things up, so I can't name names.

The fellow who taught Obama about "community organizing" was a far left radical in who believed in confrontational situations - or "in your face."  Obama taught those tactics when he was an instructor for ACORN and other community organizations in Chicago.

No, I haven't heard the quote.  Yes, I believe it to be true.  It was likely a quote from his community organizing days, because it wouldn't be in keeping with the rock star quality of his campaign.  Then again, I could imagine him saying just that if he didn't know he was being recorded - like clinging to guns and God and racism at a San Francisco cocktail party.


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IIRC, the "in their faces" comment was about not letting the opposition run you over like John Kerry allowed in 2004. The idea is to not appear weak and spineless. It's the kind of thing that the other side uses to their advantage. Do you remember this question from 2000? "Who can better defend this country? A republican or democrat?" In 2004, the democrats wouldn't respond to that kind of thing or wouldn't be able to respond without looking foolish. Remember the Swiftboats? John Kerry tried to ignore but it kept coming back. I became frustrated and finally asked my wife,  "When is that spineless @$#%@%^&^@%$!#$ going to defend himself?!" It was too little and too late. The damage was done.


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