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Hi Steve. I've started playing this but I dont really know what I'm doing!  On Expert I've bought some Industry and built a small railroad but the Ledger says I'm following the wrong strategy and then I get told to go help Sitka,Juanar & Port Baker so I borrow lots of money and (at hideous cost) build a line S-J both saying connected when I plant the stations down.  But when I try to run a train it says the stations aren't connected although they are. ??? ???

The next problem is trying to build a line to PB - it's damn near impossible! :-[ Partly because (in the dark) it's hard to see where PB actually is!  I got one somewhere near but couldn't fit a station in and, when I went back a year to try again I couldn't even get a line to run to it!

Any ideas?


Hi belbincolne,

I've run track from Sitka to Juneau each time that disaster comes up, but haven't had a problem with stations not being connected. There must be at least one track section missing. Try going over the route again with the track tool.

Connecting to Port Baker shouldn't be any harder than the others. Try building the station first. You should see "(connected)" under the city name when you within the city limits. Running track in this section of the state is difficult (it was much worse before I took the smoothing tool to the region) but it can be done. Make sure you have enough money available and run the track without exiting the track building screen. That way you can try different layouts and have the ability to erase track sections that doesn't work.

By the way, it's only necessary to connect to one of the following cities, Juneau, Sitka, Port Baker.


Well Steve at least my experience shows that games are rarely the same twice! My next map had totally different Industries and goods flow so I had to start differently and then the first disaster was at Seward where (on both games) an AI has its major line and I cant possibly get there so I borrowed again and ran a line from two dairy farms into the AI's line and another from a lumber area similiarly.

I hauled at least 6 loads of milk pa and 8 of lumber but each year I'm told I havent helped them and get a minus score. Obviously it only counts goods hauled to your own station in Seward so once again I'm in lumber >:( >:( ???

The AI players were also different - incredibly aggressive - bought loads of my shares then sold them off to bankrupt me - first time I've ever had that although I know it's part of the game.  Anyway it certainly keeps up interest!



Sounds like you rolled the Earthquake as the first disaster. In that situation you have to haul 5 carloads each of milk, lumber and clothing to either Nome or Taylor, which is located on Seward Peninsula not the city of Seward. I think you misread the conditions of the disaster.

For your information, there are a total of 3 disasters and the order in which they occur are random. The following is part of a response I left for someone else that had some questions.

"In the quake situation you can either connect to Nome or Taylor to recieve a point. This is a one-time only event so you'll get a point for one connection only.

In the tsunami event you can either connect to Juneau, Sitka or Port Baker for the extra point. Again, this is a one-time only event, so the point is given for the first station.

As I mentioned previously, there are a total of 35 points possible. Two of those I've just explained. The other 33 points are for meeting the haulage goals each year. The first disaster will run from year 2005 to end-of-year 2011, for 7 pts. The second disaster will run from 2012 to Dec. 2026, for 15 points. And the third disaster will run from year 2027 to the end of 2037, for 11 pts."

I hope this clarifies the scenario for you and


Thanks Steve - of course the differences are what makes the scenarios interesting. If they were all the same what would be the point of playing? I'd better pay more attention and read the messages better!

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